On the 12th of Slay, at the Vicarage, Manaccan, Cornwall, the Wife of the Rev Edward Seymour of a daughter. On the 13th of May, at the Grove, West Cowes, the Wife of Major......
Arrangements Have Been Concluded With Mr. John Hamilton...
Liverpool, manufacturer to the Corrugated Iron Boat and Army Wag- gon Company, to constrict a new marine locomotive of sufficient size to carry seven men upon the water, and it......
Indians For Home Service.
London, 17th May 1859. Sra—Though we are not a military nation, yet our own safety and even the very desire for peace may force us to become so. Our military resources are at......
The Talking Fish.
THE public has been invited to witness the performances of a "Talking Fish. We have seen the animal, and find it eufficienty docile. It cornea to its keeper, and shakes hands;......
Ltitirs In To Ehitot
RECRUITING. Bombay, 21st March 1869. Eire—Having-read in your valuable paper of 22d January and 5th Fe- bruary, two letters, headed "Enlistment of Soldiers " and ' A British Le-......