Did the word " shrew" denote a person of the male sex, we should think that " Taming of the Shrew " might be giveii as an English title to the last new work brought out at the Opera-Comique, and calloa in French Le Diable an Moulin. The temper of a certain miller is so no- toriously bad, that the most desperate spinsters will not have him for a husband, till at last he meets a lovely creature of high spirit, who accepts his addresses for the mere pleasure of breaking in, and adopts the method that Petruchio found so successful in the case of Katherine, with a like happy result. The music of this little opera is by M. Gevaert, the book is by MM. Michel Came and Cosman.
French versions of the Seraglio of Mozart, and the Abou-Hassan of Weber have been produced at the Theatre Lyrique. Madame Ristori, who is still at the Theatre Italien, has appeared in a tragedy by M. Somme, entitled Cassandra. In this piece the story of Aga- memnon's murder, is so told as to make the prophetic daughter of Priam the principal figure. Not only does Cassandra perish at the end of the tale, but also a young son she has borne to the Ring of Men " during her captivity.