A Spanish royal decree declares that on the ,1st of
April, 1862, will be opened in Madrid, a public exhibition of agricultural and manufactured products, workmanship, and objects of art, as well for the peninsula and for the adjacent islands as for the foreign provinces and our African pos- sessions. To compete at this exhibition are invited all the American re- publics of Spanish origin, also the kingdom of Portugal.
Mr. Dyee's exquisite frescoes on the east wall of All Saints' Church, Margaret Street, are completed, and justify the expectations which Mr. Beresford Hope and his Mends entertained of the devotional sympathies of the artist. The paintings are in panel. In the lowest the Infancy of the Saviour is represented in the lap of the Virgin, with three of the Apostles on each side; the middle:panel, the Crucifixion, with the six other disciples, three on qpich side ; and at the top, the Saviour is surrounded by the Apostles and the Virgin. The figures arm beautifully fisfigeesd ; the draperies are massive, and fall fully and flowingly ; all the being on a diapered gold background. The magnificent decorations o the interior are in more select taste than in any ecclesiastical edifice with which we are acquainted in the Metropolis, even including the Temple Church itself.