21 MAY 1927, Page 17


SPECTATOR.] ,S111,—May we again ask for the support of your readers on behalf of the London Poor Clergy Holiday Fund? In spite of the efforts which are being made to secure an adequate income for the clergy the increase already attained still falls far short of the increased cost of living. It is therefore not surprising that the difficulty of securing a holiday would be in many cases insuperable, but for those grants in aid which

this fund exists to supply. Our help is especially needed when after a long and costly illness the moment comes for that rest and change which is so essential to convalescence, and the renewal of health and vigour.

Last year our grantees numbered 148, and block grants were also made to the dioceses of London-over-the-Border. We have to depend upon this our sole annual appeal to

make good the losses in the list of our old supporters. Dona- tions, which will be gratefully acknowledged, may be sent to the Hon. Treasurer, The Rev. Lewis Gilbertson, St. Martin's Church, Ludgate Hill, E.C. 4.—We arc, Sir, &c.,

E. E. HoLniEs, Archdeacon of London. HENRY E. J. BEVAN, Archdeacon of Middlesex. C. E. LAMBERT, Archdeacon of Hampstead.