The Light Reading Of Our Ancestors (hutchinson. 15s.)...
of reading on Lord Ernle's part. He has read every novelist in Europe (before 1832 at all events); his zest and his knowledge arc prodigious ; the result is a large and......
Two Crime Books Which Will Probably Have A Wide Public
are the Trial of Madeleine Smith (" Notable British Trials," William Hodge. 10s. Od.) and World-Famous Crimes (Blcs. 16s.). The former has the benefit of an introduction by that......
The French Theologians Now Have An Opportunity Of...
highly trained minds on Mr. George Moores superbly wrought heresy, The Brook Kerith. It has just been translated by Philippe Neel (Solitude du Keritk. G. Gres et Cie.) in a most......
Will The Deposited Book Restore Order In The Church? By
the Right Rev. E. A. Knox, D.D. (Price 3d.) We can only return the answer No to Bishop Knox's query, if controversialists of utterly opposed views, such as the author and Mr.......
Mr. Mace Is One Of The Best-known Bee-masters In England,
and his Modern Bee-Keeping (Modern Bee-Keeping, Harlow, Essex. 5s.) is a work which will claim the attention of apiarists, for it is thoroughly practical and up to date, both as......
'the Blue-eyed Maid ' In Southwark, ' Rule's ' In
Maiden Lane. the famous 'Kentish Drovers,' and the 'Prospect of Whitby; 'Five Bells and Blade Bone," Grave Maurice' and 'Bombay G.-ab,' all in or near Dockland, are a few of the......
Mr. R. L. Megroz Has Succeeded In A Difficult Task,
that of surveying (in Francis Thompson, Faber and Gwyer, 12s. 6d.) the whole field of a poet whose imagery is as rich and recondite as any in our language save Shakespeare. He......
This Week's Books
Tim life-work of Sir Jagadis Chunder Bose in connexion with the sensitiveness of plants has now been told by himself in popular form. This new and inexpensive volume will......
The New Competition
TUE Editor offers a prize of 25 for the best philosophy of lifc which readers can write on the back of a postcard. We shall attempt no definitions nor shall we ask our readers......