YACHTING AND YACHTSMEN. By W. D. Bowman. Illustrated. (Bles. 16s.)—An
easily and pleasantly written book is this, of ships and sailors of the kind that go dome to the sea for amusement. The pioneer of yachting wa, perhaps Charles II, and Mr. Bowman's volume, starting with him, brings the story of famous yachts, great yacht sailor. and notable designers down to the present day. Alway, this country will be able to produce sporting owners and captains and crews to sail their craft, but, as America ha, shown us to our cost, the designer is the crux. A Nicholson yacht may yet bring back to us the America Cup, for, with no disparagement to the great men of the Clyde—Fife, Watson and Myhie—there are those who "maintain with positive assurance there is nothing to touch a Nicholson yacht.- This book badly lacks an index.