This Week in London LEC'l I, RES.
Monday, May 23rd, at 3.30 p.m. THE EXPLORATION OF THE HIMALAYA. By Lieut.-Col. Sir Francis Younghusband. Under the auspices of the East India Association. At the Caxton Hall, Westminster.
Tuesday, May 24th, at 5.30 p.m. ARE WOMEN FIT C,omr.AxioNs FOR MEN A debate 'between Mr. St. John Ervin° and Lady Rhondda. At the London School of Economics, Houghton Street, 41dwYell. In aid of King Edward's Hospital Fund for London. Tickets from the Secretary, 7, Walbrook, E.C. 4. Also at 5.30 Hou4AN Husx. By Professor Percy Dearmer. At King's College, Strand.
Wednesday, May 25th, at 5.30 p.m. SOME ITALIAN IMPRESSIONS ",„_'1't THE Comer OF KING JAMES I. By Mr. Arundel del Re. At .ung'8 College, Strand. leThurodsb May 26th, at 8.30 p.m. A lecture and reading from his • oxic b 8 Y zrnst Toiler. At the Poetry Bookshop, 38, Great Russell Street, W.C. 1. Tickets IS. f Friday, May 27th, at 8 p.m. THE TOTAL ECLIPSE or Tiro Sex ox • :. 29pE.- A lantern lecture: By the President of the Royal Istronornical Society. At the Polytechnic, Regent Street. In aid 0-4 g Edward's Hospital Fund for Lotitton. Tickets from the
"eretary, 7, Walbrook, E.C. 4.. •