All the leading Adullamites except Lord Elcho and Mr. Lowe
seem to have come to grief. Mr. liorstuan has been compelled to fly first from Stroud and then from the Falkirk Burghs ; Mr. Laing is believed to have no chance ; Sir E. Watkin has been expelled from Stockport ; Mr. Roebuck has been beaten in Sheffield by thousands ; Mr. Marsh did not venture to fight Salisbury ; Mr. Doulton has not ventured to fight anywhere ; and Earl Grosvenor has been compelled to take the oath of allegiance to Mr. Gladstone. Lord Elcho's seat is still more than doubtful, so doubtful that according to the Scotsman he has been compelled to make a house- to-house canvass, an operation to which he declared he would never condescend, and the two condonations could not be avoided. No party in its senses would drive the landlord of the House of Commons into opposition, and Mr. Lowe is after all, on the religious side of his head, a determined Liberal. On all other sides we should class him as an American Democrat.