The Minority Principle Has Worked Admirably. Wherever The...
completely Liberal it has increased the Liberal representation, wherever it was fairly divided, it has enabled the minority to secure a fractional representation. Glasgow, with......
All The Leading Adullamites Except Lord Elcho And Mr. Lowe
seem to have come to grief. Mr. liorstuan has been compelled to fly first from Stroud and then from the Falkirk Burghs ; Mr. Laing is believed to have no chance ; Sir E. Watkin......
We Must Add Our Strong Impression That The Exclusion Of
Baron Rothschild, an exclusion we greatly regret, for he is far more of a representative man than half the metropolitan members, was due in part to over-cleverness. Only one......
The Arrangements Made In Consequence Of The Bishop Of...
translation to Canterbury are not so satisfactory. The Bishop of Lincoln, Dr. Jackson, a man of considerable admin- istrative power, and the highest character for Christian......
The French Government Is Not Succeeding In This Baudin...
All the newspapers which publish the subscriptions have been fiued by the tribunal, but the speeches of their advocates are twice as treasonable as the subscription, and are......
The Only English Catholics Who, As Far As We Know,
have offered themselves in the boroughs, Lord Edward Howard at Preston, and Sir John Acton at Bridgnorth, have been rejected,—Lord Edward Howard standing lowest on the Preston......
Mr. Disraeli Was Retained On Thursday, And Made A Speech
to his constituents, in which he almost admitted a complete defeat. It was an apologetic review of his administration. He quoted this election as proof that nothing was to be......
Mr. Gladstone Said One Thing In His Speech At Widnes
on Monday night which should rejoice the hearts of all his political followers, whatever their faith. " In one sense," he said, " he was not a friend of Protestantism, for there......
The Explosion In Merionethshire, Where Mr. Wynn Has Been...
from a seat occupied by Tories for generations ; the success of Colonel Stepney,—a man who in his devotion to his party has entered Parliament when nearly eighty years of......
We Have Not Space For Spanish News This Week, Which,
indeed, is unimportant; but we have studied it, and wish to record a distinct impression which we have long resisted, that General Prim is play- ing either for a Dictatorship or......
We Naturally Looked With Some Interest To See How Far
the change of the borough suffrage to a household basis would alter the re- lation of the show of hands to the ultimate result as taken at the poll. On the whole, we think it......