We have not space for Spanish news this week, which,
indeed, is unimportant; but we have studied it, and wish to record a distinct impression which we have long resisted, that General Prim is play- ing either for a Dictatorship or an Imperial Crown. He is accu- mulating troops in Madrid, he is carefully weeding the Army, he is making himself popular by every variety of military concession and military sternness, and he does not fix a date for the meeting of the Cortes- We are also greatly mistaken if he is not authoriz- ing what the I3onapartists csIl tentatives, placards, articles, and letters in foreign journals. A personal rule may for a time be wanted in Spain, but if Prim feels this, and feels himself competent to exercise it, and yet loves liberty, we trust be will proclaim himself King, and not Cmsar. Liberty is possible under a very strongly monarchical reyme, but not under a Napoleonic Empire.