Cultural strategy
Sir: Messrs P. V. Jones and A. J. Spooner (Letters, 29 August) may take some com- fort from France, where the present gov- ernment recently approved a draft law making the teaching of music and the plastic arts obligatory in primary and the first stage of secondary education.
M. Chirac said he regarded this as one of the most important acts of his government, aimed at 'reducing the inequalities preva- lent in cultural matters today'. The Minis- ter of Culture intended that the govern- ment's strategy of economic reform should be accompanied by a cultural strategy.
In view of the proven capacity of the French to manufacture cars that are readily saleable in the UK, this attitude clearly indicates that the French government does not regard economic efficiency as the prerogative of Philistines.
Perhaps this is why French education is about the best in Europe, and teaching the highest paid and most respected profession in France.
Patrick Martin-Smith
Llauro, 66300 Thuir, France