Holiday Rights
MY heart is on the picket-line at Cowley, where the car-makers of Rover (ex-BL, ex-Leyland, ex-BMC, ex-Morris) have for once staged a thoroughly sensible strike. It is about......
City And Suburban
Lay down some Eurotunnel for your godson it's a Channel port CHRISTOPHER FILD ES T ony and Caroline Doggart, the Gault and Millau of the tax haven, for many years gave their top......
Sir Kit's £1,486m Rabbit
ENJOY Sir Kit McMahon's flair as he pulls rabbits out of the Midland Bank's hat, but do not let the quickness of his hand take your eye away from what he is doing. His alliance......
I Promise To Pay
THE Bank of England's chief cashier, David Somerset, is handing over the pen that signed a billion banknotes, and is unreliably said to be lined up for a retire- ment job —......
War Risk
NOUGHTS stretching out to the year 2042 have an ethereal quality of their own. As the Eurotunnel prospectus charmingly says, its financial projections do not consti- tute a......