21 OCTOBER 1843, Page 18

PUBLICATIONS RECEIVED, From October 13th to October 18th.


Diary of a March through Shade and Affghanistan, with the troops under the command of General Sir William -Nott, K.C.B., &c. And Sermons delivered on various occasions during the campaign of 1842. By the Reverend I. N. ALLEN, B.A., Assistant Chaplain on the Honourable East India Company's Bombay Establishment The Belle of the Family, or the Jointure; a Novels By the Author of "The Young Prima Donna," &c. In three volumes. Selections from the Kur-an, commonly called, in England, the Koran; with an interwoven Commentary. Translated from the Arabic, methodi- cally arranged, and illustrated by Notes, chiefly from Sale's edition : to which is prefixed an Introduction, taken from Sale's Preliminary Dis- course, with corrections and additions. By EDWARD WILLIAM LANE, Author of " The Manners and Customs of the Modern Egyptians," and Translator of "The Thousand and One Nights."

Walter Gray, a Ballad; and other Poems. Second edition, including the "Poetical Remains." By MARY CHALENOR.

The Poetical Remains of Mary Chalenor.

[These small volumes appear under circumstances to disarm criticism. Maar CHALENOR was a young widow, left with three little children, whom she sup- ported, we gather from the preface, by an "occupation productive of little else than toil and hardship." Illness followed her anxieties, and terminated in death soon after the appearance of Walter Gray. A new edition of that poem has been called for, and appears with her Podieal Remains, which are also printed separately ; the object of the publication being the benefit of her children. But though criticism would be silent, it needs not The poems are what they profess to be—domestic effusions, written upon home topics or daily occurrences, mingled with a few subjects as large as a ballad or a tale, but all intended in the first place for family eyes, and the Remains were never designed for publication. With these traits of subject the execution corresponds. The gayety is subdued, the pleasantry quiet, and the graver thoughts are natural

though not deep. What is more than all, the poems are a true reflection of the

writer's mind, not the faint or distorted echo of somebody else's—verses ex-

hibiting the amiable and domestic character of a well-educated Englishwoman,

whose grief is not allowed to tumefy into melodramatic rant or her joy to de-

generate into boisterousness, and the style rather formed from conversation

than books. Such, by way of a short example, is

vas RAeRELoa.

A Bachelor, a Bachelor,

How pleasant it must he,

A welcome guest at every feast.

A happy fellow he :

Whate'er he earns he freely spends,

For borne lie has no care—

The young and merry Bachelor, His horns is everywhere : To ball and rout invited out,

A beau to every belle. The pleasures of a itaehelor,

No tongue can over tell.

A Bachelor. a Bachelor, When age with wrinkled face Comes creeping on him by degrees, With slow yet steady pace, The jovial set whom once he met, An evening hour to pass, Some, some are dead, and some are wed, For Time still turns his glass ; No friend to cheer his silent home, No heart responsive beats ; He bears his sorrows all alone, Aud pity never meets.

A Bachelor. a Bachelor.

He lives and dies the same; No wife to weep when he is dead, No child to bear his name With auLtruing garb and measured pace, Strangers atfeud his bier; They loved him not. and scarcely pay

The tribute of a tear.

No silent grief, uo heartfelt prayer,

Hangs o'er his place of rest;

He leaves this world as he has lived, thiblessing, and uablest.]

Taxidermy ; or the Art of Collecting, Preparing, and Mounting Objectsof Natural History. For the use of Museums and Travellers. By Mrs. R. LEE, (formerly Mrs. T. EDWARD Bownecu,) Author of the "Me- moirs of Cuvier," Member of the Wetteravian Society, &c. Illustrated with engravings on wood. The sixth edition, corrected, improved, and modernized.

[The principal novelty of Mrs. LEE'S sixth edition of the art of preparing animals as objects of natural history, consists in her account of Mr. IYATEn- TON'S methods of proceeding; to study which, she made a pilgrimage to Water- ton Hall. Notwithstanding this advantage, she despairs of conveying a true account of that traveller's processes, so as to enable others to imitate his pre- parations. And no wonder ; for, according to Mrs. LEE'S description, Taxi- dermy rises under his bands into a branch of the fine arts ; the dead seem to revive under his touch, and, with the permanence of a mummy to put on the spirit of life. The wings droop, or extend, the crest is erect ; the beast of prey looks enough to frighten one, (by its reality, not its look of caricaturey; and the boa constrictor is there in all its horrible magnitude, yet so light, being hollow, that one can poise it in the hand. Yet it is curious to observe how much of the mechanical, with labour, pains, and time, and some not over-cleanly processes, are necessary to this perfection. We read of skewers and needles, knives and cotton, corrosive sublimate and spirits of wine, as well as paste- board, putty, and the rather disagreeable actions of cutting up and flaying un- cooked creatures : day after day for several weeks have minute and mechanical processes to be repeated, —when at last, and as if by magic, the wings, that have been cut and stitched together, appear by a dexterous manipulation instinct with flight ; the tail, whose feathers have been stretched out by some contrit- ance, become a natural fan, under a slight knock ; and the great beast, whose skin may have been cat into several pieces for convenience of packing, by dint of glue and pasteboard under the joints of the divisions, becomes like a sped- men of sculpture, with fur and colour superadded. There is more in all this than taxidermy—there is knowledge and observation of the living thig_s. He who would preserve like WATERTON, must Until WATERTON 9 " wander- ings," and look about him too.] The Application of Geology to Agriculture, and to the Improvement and

Valuation of Land ; with the nature and properties of Soils, and the

_principles of Cultivation. By NICHOLAS WHITLEY, Land-Surveyor. ' [Mr. WHITLEY is a land-surveyor of the West of England; who, finding a knowledge of geology useful to him in his professional pursuits, has published a book upon the subject, with the view of calling the attention of agriculturists to its practical importance. Strictly speaking, the work is more chemical than geological: the composition of soils and the means of improving them is dwelt upon more than rocks and their strata. But the opening chapters on this subject are plain, useful, and probably sufficient for their purpose; which is mainly that of pointing out the character of the soil generally found upon the different kind of "rocks."] A Practical Treatise on Organic Diseases of the Uterus; being the

Prize Essay to which the Medical Society of London awarded the

Fothergillian Gold Medal for 1843. By Joitx C. W. LEVER, M.D., &c. [A plain, well-arranged, and very practical treatise; embracing statistics, and directions, as well as general descriptions of disease, and its illustration by cases. The subject, however, is one whose notice is only adapted to a medical journal.] Physiology for Young Ladies, in short and easy Conversations. EA series of familiar dialogues on physiology, so far as it applies to health and is desirable for young ladies. The matter is principally drawn from Dr. COMBE'S celebrated work ; which the writer found " too long and too scientific for unreflecting young ladies," and which she has here diluted to snit their powers of assimilation.] The Works of Beaumont and Fletcher ; the Text formed from a new collation of the early editions. With Notes and a Biographical Me- moir why the Reverend ALEXANDER DYCE. In eleven volumes. Vo- lume [Contains five dramas—The Scornful Lady, The Coxcomb, The Captain, The Honest Man's Fortune, and The Little French Lawyer.]


Ireland, Before and After the Union with Great Britain. By R. Moter- GOMERY MARTIN, Esq., Author of the " History of the British Colo- nies," &c. Part I.

[According to Mr. MONTGOMERY MARTIN'S preface, "it is due to the cha- racter of England" that the charges of Mr. O'CONNELL and his Corn Ex- change Committee should be "minutely investigated" : he has therefore elect- ed himself the champion of Great Britain,—proposing, like a knight of old, to cause the imaginary giants and monsters of the Repeal Committee to vanish into nothing, under the blasts of seven one-shilling numbers of Ireland Before and After the Union. The First Part of the series is devoted to a "Maw, of the Legislative Union," with a brief glance at the early story of Ireland ; commencing with the landing of "Caesars," a niece of Noah, "previous to the Deluge " ; the whole being doubled up in less than forty pages. So short a space is obviously insufficient to do justice to so large a theme; especially where the object is to destroy the impression produced by men who are not restrained by accuracy in stating facts, or by logic in draw- ing conclusions. Whatever may be said of Mr. O'ConsELL's book or his manifestoes, this must be admitted—he is broad, and he is clear. The critic may penetrate his unscrupulous one-sidedness, and despise his evil motives, and his turgid taste ; the historian may detect his suppression, perversion, misre- presentation, or perhaps his forgery of facts; but the facts themselves are mar- shalled in imposing order, with inverted commas, and authorities tacked to the end. Mr. MONTGOMERY MARTIN has not given himself sufficient space for this kind of tactics—perhaps he is not altogether equal to O'CoNNELL in their management ; so that the effect is neither so broad nor so authoritative. There is also a difference in their minds. O'CoNNELL's statements, or rather the conclusions he wishes drawn from them, are perhaps as much distrusted for the man's whole character as for the statements themselves. In Mr. MONT- GOMERY MARTIN there is a partisan, puffing, prospectus-like tone of mind, which at once rather disposes to doubt. However, the champion of England has " given as good as was sent." He makes out that the "native Irish " were oppressed and plundered by their "native chieftains," till they were almost re- duced to the condition of beasts; that Ireland never had a " native Parlia- ment," till England gave her one, to be held at England's pleasure ; that the old Irish Parliament was a corrupt body, more injurious to Irish interests than the worst British Ministry—which really restrained the Irish representatives that the Rebellion of '98 was caused by the ungrateful treason of the United Irishmen, not fomented by Government ; and that the Union was deemed ne- cessary by some Irish patriots to preserve Ireland's independence—and was not, MARTIN vouching it, carried by corruption ! Whether the six-and-thirty


pages in which these views are inculcated will convince Repeaters, may be doubted; but they will furnish Anti-Repealers with a "set-off." They will also bring together a number of scattered or unremembered facts relating to Ireland, and some of them telling ones against the babblers of the Corn Ex- change; which is the chief use and merit of the publication.] Strife and Peace; or Scenes in Norway. By 1'REDERIKA BREMER, Authoress of "The Neighbours," &c. Translated from the Swedish. (Smith's Standard Library.) This is a cheap edition of one of FREDERIK A BREMER'S novels, which Mrs. Unwire had not yet published. The preface states that Strife and Peace is reprinted fiom an American translation, published at Boston ; and is to be fol- lowed by the other works of the writer, derived from the same source, when they appear.]

Paget's Library of Fiction; a Miscellany of Original, Select, and Trans- lated Tales ; with two portraits of heroines. Part I.

[This new undertaking proposes to furnish tales selected from periodicals or translated from foreign languages. The present number is not a very favour- able specimen.] Schlosser's History of the Eighteenth Century. Translated by DAVID DAVISON, M.A. .Part IL (Foreign Library.)

The Book of Scottish Song, Nos. XI. to XV.

[Completes this comprehensive yet choice collection of Scottish songs, ancient and modern, with notices of what is known of their origin and authorship. It forms a compact square volume of 600 pages, containing upwards of twelve hundred lyrics, with indices of first lines and authors' names; and is the largest in isnmber and smallest in bulk of any similar collection.]


Gleieny's Garden Almanack and Florist's Directory, 1844.

[Contains, in addition to the calendar, and the usual Omuta& information, monthly. directions for the amateur, of a less jog-trot kind than is generally found, in these publications, with various lists of miscellaneous information useful to the gardener.] ILLUSTRATED WORKS AND PRINTS.

Imperial Family Bible. Illustrated by engravings from the Old Masters, -and from original designs by JOHN MARTIN, R.L. Parts XXLIL to [The plates of this handsome Bible are various and well-chosen; pictures by modern German an pictures painters, as well as the olmasters of Italy; and they are well migraved. The engraving of GUIDO'S masterpiece, "The Murder of the Innocents," by Messrs. Rom., is highly effective; and the "Finding of Moses," after KOHLER, by H. ROBINSON, is beautifully executed.] The Works of Burns. With Notes and Illustrations. Parts VII. to X. [In turning over the leaves of these numbers, we were struck by the variety, vividness, and local truth of the scenery in the illustrations. The artist, D. 0. HILL, successfully emulates the good qualities of TURNER, and shuns his defects. The portraits also are good,] Abbotsford Edition of the Waverley Novels, Parts %XXVIII. and XXXLX.


The Original Preface to the History of Old and New Sarum, or Salisbury ; with a Statement of the Circumstances connected with the Publication of that work. By HENRY HATCHET. [This involves the question of a disputed claim to the authorship of a history of Salisbury, carried on at the expense of the late Sir RICHARD COLT Roams : Mr. HENRY HATCHET claims the entire authorship ; whereas Mr. BENSON, the Recorder of the city, only assigns to him the position of an assistant, or at most of joint-author. The representations of this latter gentleman seem to have convinced Mn MERRICK HOARE, Sir RICHARD'S executor, as well as Mr. Iloans's professional advisers, and Mr. NICHOLS the printer, that his claim was just; and as Mr. HATCHET refused a proposal by Mr. HOARE that the names of BENSON and HATCHET should both appear on the title-page; the history was published with that of BENSON alone. In this statement of Mr. HATCHET'S we of course have only one side of the question; but even from that we suspect Mr. REssort's claim was a strong one, and that Mr. HATCHET is not a good advocate of his own cause.] Analytical View of the Census of New South Wales, for the year 1841 ; with tables showing the progress of the Population during the previous twenty years. By RALPH MANSFIELD. Originally written for the Sydney Herald. Sutherland as it Was and Is; or How a Country may be Ruined. Sequel to the Real Monster Evil of Ireland. By AUGUSTUS G. STAPLE- TON, Esq., formerly Private Secretary to the Right Honourable George Canning. Who should Educate the Prince of Wales? Second edition.


Wilson's Edition of the Songs of Scotland, Book V.

When are Childhood's happy days? Ballad. The Poetry by a young lady; the music by J. ALDRIDGE.