The Ideal And The Real.
THE _Democratic Review has a notice of a volume of poems by Mr. WILLIAM ELLERT CHAIINING ; the specimens of which show the author to possess the fine feelings that are......
No Necessity Is More Generally Recognized Than The Fact That
"one must draw the line somewhere"; and the hoe between true courage and foolhardi- ness is among the desirable bounds which must be traced ; but none is more variable. When the......
American Notions Of English Parlia- Mentary Corruption.
Ws have formerly pointed to the lessons which may be gathered from the strictures of intelligent foreigners, as in the case of French censors of our ways. We have now a good......
Spectator's Library.
MILITARY Anvzwruaes. Diary of a March throu g h Sinde and Af g hanistan, with the Troops under the Com. mand of General Sir William Not:. K.C.B.. Sze. And Sermon, delivered on......