Zbe InEtropolis.
As the period of the City election approached, the contending parties did not relax in their endeavours : daily meetings were held, the can- didates attending in person ; personalities flew about ; placards were posted and carried in the streets ; and the usual facetim—that is, into- lerable puns and silly personal allusions—abounded, One of the first things to appear this week, however, was the following letter from Mr. Jones Loyd, giving in his adhesion to the Anti-Corn-law League, both in its general capacity and as a great election-agency- " TO TUE SECRETARY OF TEE ANTI-CORN-LAW LEAOUE.
" Lothbury. 14th October 1843.
" SM—The part which the Anti-Corn-law League has taken in the present contest for the representation of the City, is complained of by its opponents as an unprecedented and impertinent interference by ' strangers from Lancashire and other parts.' The League, however, I cannot doubt, already numbers among its members many persons directly connected with the city of London, on whose behalf it is fully entitled to act. To these may I request that my name may be added ? Hitherto I have refrained from connecting myself with the proceedings of the League, from an unwillingness to share the responsibility of measures over the details of which I could exercise no personal superintend- ence or control. But I feel that the time is now arrived when this must be overruled by other considerations of overwhelming importance. The great question of Free Trade is now fairly at issue; and the bold, manly, and effectual efforts which have been made by the League in its support, command at once my admiration and concurrence. 'Upon the satisfactory settlement of this question depends, as I firmly be- lieve, the internal peace of the country, as well as the security. of property, 0 Grp reserved 45.... 4., ...freserved by a general conviction that the various interests . are equally and impartially dealt with ; and also the per- ----In our trade end commerce, which can flourish only in the il.,.....,..aftnt "Ill'gre.o.p..1 6 and maintain its superiority in the existing competition tbxved from every artificial and unnecessary restraint 1 believe that ' of all things an indiscreet tampering ions is the most dangerous.' With Lord Grenville, e other statesmen who signed the memorable protest
f 1315, I believe that 'irresistible indeed ought to be the necessity which could authorize the Legislature to impede the free purchase
and sale of that article on which depends- the existence of a large portion of the communite; and to confine the assaamer of-corn to the produce of his own country, is to refuse to ourselves the isseintof that provision which Pro- videnee itself has made Re equalizing to massiinel the varieties of season and climate.'
" With the merchants of the city of London, who many years since pre- sented their petition to Parliament in favour of free trade, through the medium of the then head of the house of Baring, the present Lord Ashburton, I agree that freedom from restraint is calculated to give the utmost extension to foreign trade, and the beet direction to the capital and industry of the country.'
" With Mr. Huskisson, I believe that ' the attempt to uphold Corn-laws (those now in existence equally with those which were in existence in his day) is inconsistent with the increase of national prosperity and the preservation of public contentment.' " With Sir Robert Peel I agree that we should purchase in the cheapest and sell in the dearest market' "It is the steady and dauntless manner in which the League has, in all places and under all circumstances, advocated these principles, and more especially its efforts to impress them on the citizens of London at the present critical moment, which compels me to overcome every minor consideration, and to request permission to enlist myself in its ranks. Of the personal tendencies and convictions of those members of the present Administration whose autho- rity is generally supposed to be most influential on questions of commercial legislation, there is little room left for doubt. But the confidence or the hesitation with which those views will be carried out by them, may be materially influenced by the turn of future elections, and especially of that which is now in suspense. On the one hand, we have a candidate singularly guarded and indefinite in his own statements, and supported by interests notoriously disposed to check the Minister in every liberal tendency which he may evince: on the other hand, we have a candidate who has thrown himself wholly, unreservedly, and cordially, into the cause of free trade. By the election of the former, the principles of free trade will sustain an apparent defeat ; whilst the success of his opponent will tend to strengthen the liberal tendencies of the better part of the present Cabinet, and to accelerate the period at which the country may hope to enjoy the inestimable advantage of further and larger measures than it has yet obtained of liberal, and only liberal, legislation. I trust, therefore, that the exertions of the League will not be relaxed; and that, novel as the sight may be, strangers from Lancashire and other parts will continue to disseminate among us troths of incalculable im- portance, with a perseverance worthy of the occasion, and which is becoming offensive to your opponents in proportion as it is felt by them to be effective.
" I beg you will accept the enclosed draft for 501. as my contribution to the funds of the League. For the details of its measures, as they cannot be con- trolled by individual members, the Council alone I conceive to be responsible. With those I have no wish to interfere : m concurrence is given to the prin- ciple in support of which you are united—fry ee trade, and to your determination to seek every opportunity for forcing that question upon the public attention, and submitting it to the ordeal of free discussion.
"I have the honour to be, Sir, your faithful and obedient servant,
"SAMUEL JONES LOYD." At one of the daily meetings, on Monday, Mr. Baring made some reply to Mr. Loyd's letter— He was acquainted with that gentleman ; of whom no person could speak without expressing the greatest admiration of his energy, his talents, his high personal character, and the influence which he ought justly to have. Mr. Loyd was one of the gentlemen to whom he alluded in a former speech as one whom, though differing in politics, he should have declined to oppose in a contest for the representation of the city of London; for he felt that such abilities, great eloquence, general knowledge, and practical experience, should not be decline& on mere party grounds and principles: and therefore, while he most sincerely regretted that he was not honoured with Mr. Loyd's support, he did not think that gentleman had done him justice in the allusion contained in his letter which had gone forth to the public to his (Mr. Baring's) principles. Mr. Loyd, in his letter, declared that this election was a struggle between success and defeat of Free-trade principles. Now he believed, that by his election a declaration would be made in favour of the judicious application of those prin- ciples without danger to the country, and that by the success of his opponent the sound advance of those principles would be impeded. Mr. Baring took exception to the use of the great names which Mr. Loyd had marshalled as authorities in his letter—
Mr. Loyd said that with Mr. Burke he believed that " of all things an indis- creet tampering with the trade of provisions is the most dangerous." Now it had happened to him, in opening the works of Mr. Burke the other day, that almost the first passage upon which his eyes rested was this—" I am unalterably per- suaded that the attempt to oppress, degrade, impoverish, confiscate, and extin- guish the original gentlemen and the landed property of a whole nation, cannot be justified, under any form it may assume." Now, if the question be a ques- tion of protection or no protection to agriculture, and if he were told the loss of that protection was not intended to injure the labourer and the farmer, but wholly to affect the landlords, was he not justified in saying, after the extract he had read, that Mr. Burke was an advocate for extending and not diminish- ing protection to agriculture? But he did not advance any thing so absurd what he contended for was this, that if you take an isolated statement from the writings or speeches of any statesman, you ought not to draw inferences which were not borne out by the general tenour of the policy of that states- man; if you do, you lead others as well as yourselves into error.
On Tuesday, Mr. Pattison boasted of the support which he was to receive from afar— "I have many stanch friends around me, who write to me, and who assure me of their support, though they come from distant places to afford it to me. One friend writes to me from the neighbourhood of Bodmin, 230 miles off; and be says, Count upon me at Guildhall on the polling-day ; and be assured you will have few other votes recorded which will so strongly mark the union of political esteem with hearty and lasting personal friendship.' That letter is signed 'yours faithfully, George Grote.' " (Loud cheering.)
Much blame was cast on the Sheriffs, for fixing on Saturday as the polling-day ; since it was supposed that the Jews would be unable to poll on their Sabbath. It is said, however, that though their law for- bids writing, it does not forbid voting; and some influential members of the race have avowed their intention to record their votes.
The nomination took place yesterday ; when the interest was worked up to its height, and the neighbourhood of the Guildhall was crowded by a dense mass of people. About ten minutes past twelve o'clock, Sheriff Musgrove appeared on the hustings; and, after the usual preli- minaries, of reading the writ and the Act against Bribery, and Corrup- tion, he gave some explanation as to the day named for the election. He had wished to name Saturday for the day of nomination and Mon- day for the poll ; but it was usual to proceed with elections as soon after receiving the writ as possible, and in the present instance it had been received on Monday ; therefore, after communicating with the Committees of both candidates, Friday and Saturday had been named. Mr. W. G. Prescott came forward and proposed Mr. JamesPattison as a fit representative ; eulogizing his past political conduct, and his princi- ples. Mr. John Travers seconded the motion; declaring the contest to be one not of party but of free trade. Both speakers were saluted pretty freely with cheers and hisses; but now a din began to arise which drowned the voice. In proposing Mr. Thomas Baring, Alderman Brown was inaudible ; and Mr. Russell Ellice contented himself with seconding the nomination in a very brief manner. Before air. Ellice spoke, the barriers broke down, which increased the confusion ; and Mr. Ellice having retired, Sheriff Musgrove came forward and endea- voured to procure quiet; but the tumult continued.
Mr. Pattison addressed the electors as well as he could for the inter- raptions,—sometimes oddly mingling with the avowal of his sentiments retorts or hints of expulsion to the noisiest of the vociferators. He avowed himself a member of the Anti-Corn-law League, in favour of vote by ballot, extension of the suffrage, and repeal of the Septennial Act ; declared that he had no confidence in Sir Robert Peel ; with al- lusions to the state of Ireland, the schism in Scotland, and the Income- tax; and he finished by reminding the electors, that the battle of Tra- falgar occurred on the 21st of October, pressing on them the oft-quoted injunction, " England expects that every man this day will do his duty."
The uproar waxed as Mr. Baring presented himself. Rejoined issue with his opponent on the avowal that he belonged to the League, and accused Mr. Pattison of seeking innovations in the institutions of the country. He himself was in favour of the abstract principle of free trade, so far as this free trade could be made a good trade, and so far as the carrying on of this free trade could be conducive to the prosperity of the people at large. He appealed to the reviving prosperity of the country as a test of Sir Robert Peel's policy ; which he would support. He had been offered support if he would pledge himself to vote for a fixed duty on corn and repeal of the poor-law ; but he determined to enter Parliament nnpledged on those points. He wound up rather ab- ruptly, by remarking that the electors could not hear a word he uttered; thanking his friends for their zeal.
Sheriff Musgrove took the show of hands; and after hastily consult- ing with Sheriff Moon, he declared it to be in favour of Mr. Pattison. A poll was demanded on behalf of Mr. Baring ; and fixed to commence at eight o'clock this morning, and close at four this afternoon.
A Court of Common Council was held on Tuesday, for the despatch of business. Mr. R. L. Jones proposed the Lord Mayor to fill the office of Governor of the Irish Society. Sir Peter Laurie seconded the mo- tion; remarking, that it had been the practice of the Court to appoint the person who happened at the time of the vacancy to be Lord Mayor.
Supporting the motion, Mr. Richard Taylor protested against Sir Peter's doctrine. The Lord Mayor was elected unanimously ; and he returned thanks— Having already formed one of a deputation to visit the estates in Ireland, he was possessed of much important information connected with the interests of that portion of the community ; and it would be the object of his most anxious care to endeavour to give the tenants and occupiers of the property the full benefit anticipated from the public-spirit of the Corporation of London, when these extensive estates were placed under their jurisdiction and management. .Re considered it to be the duty of the Society not only to advance the interests of their immediate tenantry, but to cooperate with the several Livery Compa- nies in promoting the welfare of the whole province. (Loud cheers.)
On the motion of Mr. Wilkinson, a reference was made to the City Lands Committee, to see whether any alterations could be made in the Exchequer Court at Guildhall, or a more convenient place provided. In consideration of existing circumstances in Ireland, Deputy Peacock postponed a motion of which he had given notice, recommending redress of grievances in that country.
The Court of Aldermen met yesterday ; and the report of a Committee, recommending alterations in the discipline at Newgate, was taken into consideration. The report was then agreed to ; and the salary of the Deputy-Governor, the regulations for the future conduct of the me- dical officer, and the arrangements with respect to the superintending matron, were referred to the Committee, to be considered and reported upon. The Lord Mayor was appointed Governor of the Ticket and Tackle Porters. Alderman Wilson renewed his notice of a motion to procure authentic information respecting the decisions given in the late scrutiny in Bread Street Ward.
The scrutiny into the votes of Bread Street Ward closed on Wed- nesday. The counsel for Mr. Lawrence stated, that a close investiga- tion of the votes, on the previous evening, had convinced him, that, should the scrutiny be long protracted, the result would probably give Mr. Hughes a majority of two or three ; and they would therefore with- draw from the contest, with the understanding that by so doing Mr. Lawrence should not be prejudiced in any step he might yet be advised to take. Mr. Hughes's counsel agreed to that understanding. The Recorder then stated, that the scrutiny left the numbers standing thus— for Hughes, 32 ; Lawrence, 30 ; majority, 2. The Lord Mayor accord- ingly declared that Mr. William Hughes Hughes had been elected Alderman for the Ward of Bread Street. Mr. Hughes returned thanks ; and proposed a resolution conveying the thanks of the Wardmote to the Lord Mayor for his dignity, ability, and impartiality, in presiding over the election and the scrutiny, for his liberality, independence, and integrity as Chief Magistrate, and generally for his zeal as a citizen. The resolution was seconded by Mr. Thomas Moore, and carried. In acknowledging the compliment, the Lord Mayor took occasion to deny that the difference on points of law between himself and the Re- corder had been at all of a personal kind : the difference was strictly that of a legal nature ; and he felt indignant that any legal differences should have been so reported to the public as to make it appear that they had been wanting in personal courtesy : good feeling had always Misted between them. Mr. Hughes, seconded by Mr. Lawrence, moved a resolution thanking the Recorder, and acknowledging his im- partiality, ability, and uprightness. The Recorder also expressed him- self in terms indignant at the misrepresentation in the newspaper re- ports, naming the Times ; and he remarked, that if the electors had been properly rated, most of those who had been disfranchised by the decisions would have retained their votes. He utterly denied the truth of the reported " scene," which represented him as having turned his back upon the Lord Mayor. Mr. Moore bore testimony to the impar- tiality of the Recorder. He humorously alluded to the degraded situation in which be had been placed by the loss of his franchise : he formerly used to walk into the City with his head erect, and while he had a vote everybody pressed forward to shake hands with him ; but now, he was obliged to hide his diminished head and become a nobody. Referring to the particular statute under which most of the votes had been pronounced bad, he moved the two following resolutions ; which were seconded respectively by Mr. Croaker junior and Mr. Lawrence- " That the rating in this ward has been so imperfectly entered in the re- spective rate-books, as to lead, under the strict interpretation of the act 11th George I , to the disfranchisement of a large number of the householders. "That it be an instruction to the Alderman and Common Councilmen of the ward, to adopt every means in their power to obtain the repeal of the act of the 11th George I.; as quite inapplicable to the present state of the City of London, and by the operation of which it is admitted that great injustice is done to a very large portion of the citizens of London."
The resolutions were carried unanimously, and the Wardmote was dissolved.
The Canonry iu St. Paul's, vacant by the death of the Reverend James 'rate, has been conferred on the Reverend Thomas Dale. Hitherto the income has been 2,3001., but now it is reduced to 1,0001.
The general Quarter-Sessions for Surrey opened, at Kingston-upon- Thames, on Tuesday. Mr. E. Penhryn was in the chair ; among the Magistrates present were Mr. Denison, M.P., Mr. H. Kemble, M.P., Mr. J. Trotter, M.P., Mr. B. Hawes, M.P., and Mr. R. Sumner, High Sheriff of the county. The inmates of the several gaols were reported to be in a healthy condition : in the County Gaol there were 208 males and 57 females ; in Brixton, 225 males and 52 females ; in Guildford, 94 males and 19 females ; in Kingston, 23 males and 3 females. These numbers were stated to be below the usual average at this period of the year. The County Treasurer reported a balance left from last quarter of 7,7531. ; the disbursements had been 12,029/. ; but when all the present rate had been got in there would be a balance in hand of 7,0001. The recommendation of the Secretary of State, that all the gaols in the county should be warmed and ventilated and have glazed windows, was taken into consideration. The County Surveyor re- ported that in the County Gaol alone the proposed alterations would occasion a cost of 3,500/. Colonel Challoner objected to the alterations : there was no county in England that bad less mortality in its gaols than Surrey—and yet they were called upon to prevent sickness, at an outlay of at least 15,000/. ! After some dis- cussion, the new recommendations and rules of the Secretary of State were referred to a Select Committee, for more careful consideration. The Managing Committee of the Lunatic Asylum reported, that daring the last quarter a greater number of patients had been discharged, cured, than in any other quarter ; and also that they had been enabled to re- duce the cost of the maintenance of each inmate from 9s. to 8s. 3d. per week. Another Committee reported new returns of the value of rate- able property in the county ; which was increased by 266,1121., or about 12 per cent on the former assessment. A twopenny-rate will now yield 18,0001., or nearly 2,000/. more than before.
At Clerkenwell Police-office, on Monday, Jeremiah Caylor, a power- ful and sullen young man, was charged with having burglariously entered the house of Mr. Knapp, a silversmith, in High Street, Isling- ton. Between one and two o clock on Sunday morning, Mr. Knapp was roused from his bed by an unusual noise ; and he found two men in his shop. One of them ran through the back-parlour, and jumped out of a window. The other burglar, Caylor, attempted to escape in the same way ; but Mr. Knapp caught him. Caylor beat and kicked Mr. Knapp most violently, until a kick in the left eye stupified the silversmith, and the thief then jumped out at the window ; but he fell on the flag-stones ; the master of the house followed, and again seized him ; and another violent struggle ensued. Caylor had just kicked his antagonist to the ground, and swung himself up by a tree, when some police, attracted by Mr. Knapp's cries for aid, jumped into the yard, pursued the robber to the roof of an outhouse, and seized him. The other man, Henry Harvey, was found lying outside, having broken his leg in jumping from a high wall. He was removed at once to the Royal Free Hospital. Caylor has been committed for trial at the Central Criminal Court.
At Union Hall, on Thursday, the Reverend Isaac Bridgman and his son John were reexamined, on a charge of stealing a leaden coffin con- taining the remains of the late Mr. Tawney, from St. John's burial- ground. Counsel for Mr. Tawney's son applied for a further remand ; as a reward, with pardon to accomplices, had been offered by Govern- ment, and it was expected to produce evidence implicating another party. The defendants' counsel objected to farther delay ; and Mr. Cottingham gave his decision at once—he would not commit for the felony, but for the misdemeanour. Both defendants gave bail to take their trial at the Central Criminal Court.
Mr. George Gibson, an official assignee of the Court of Bankruptcy, was found to have hanged himself on Friday last, in his dressing-room, at his residence, No. 9 Blandford Square. He had once been in so un- healthy a state of mind that his medical attendant had ordered his razors to be removed ; and latterly he had been morose and irritable. A ,Coroner's Jury has returned a verdict that Mr. Gibson destroyed himself while in an unsound state of mind.
The Association of Drapers, for abridging the hours of business in the Metropolis, held a meeting on Wednesday at the Crown and Anchor Tavern ; when a favourable report was given of the progress of their exertions daring the past year. Several members addressed the meet- ing ; and a letter was read from Mr. G. Hitchcock, of St. Paul's Church- yard, regretting his unavoidable absence, and assuring the meeting that he was with them in spirit, and that he determined on closing his establishment at seven o'clock from the 1st November,—an excellent example to other master-linendrapers.
The result of the Court-martial which sat at the beginning of Sep- tember to investigate the charges against Lieutenant John Piper, of the Twenty-sixth Cameronian Regiment, of various acts of drunkenness and gross insubordination, was communicated to Mr. Piper, and pro- mulgated at Woolwich, on Monday. He was found guilty, and sen- tenced to be cashiered ; a sentence confirmed by the Crown. The masonry of the Nelson column was completed on Monday; after which, the stone-masons had a substantial repast of roast beef.