The Danish Diet has carried out, in its address to
the King, the spirit already noticed in our compilation of foreign news. The address was adopted, on the 19th instant, by a majority of 90 to 1. "The Volksthing perfectly recognizes the necessity that the different countries confided to the sceptre of your Majesty should be brought to a state of union in one firm national constitution, in order that the present com- plicated state of affairs should be put an end to. We are also con- vinced that this object can be attained so soon as the work of legislation shall be carried on by a Government that possesses the harmonious confi- dence of both King and people, and that does not overlook the fundamental
rights of the Danish nation The Danish people, most gracious King, have a vivid and firm consciousness of their rights, even in regulation of the affairs of the monarchy, to take their stand upon the constitutional re- presentative basis that supports our present constitution. Hence, no Danish Diet can ever renounce its claim that the organ to which the collective af- fairs of the monarchy have to be intrusted, should have full legislative powers, and be at the same time a real representation of the people, thereby _guaranteeing the, latter against any undue preponderance of that element that is being introduced into the Assembly by virtue of elections made by the Crown. With the exception, however, of this claim which no Danish 'Diet can renounce -your Majesty will find the greatest readiness on the part of the Diet to. fake any, step likely to facilitate the progress of the united constitution."