To Employ Mr. F. Robson To The Best Advantage According
to his known talents, the dramatic author should contrive for him a farcical character in which those intense emotions prevail that might constitute the pathos of tragedy. A......
For A Long Time The World Has Believed That Miss
Rosins Wright, of the Lyceum, was the only English dancer - worthy of a comparison with foreigners. However, we now see the germ of a genuine Terpsichorean talent in Miss Lydia......
The Polytechnic Institution.
This popular place of entertainment devoted its receipts of Thursday night to the fund for the relief of the wives and children ' widows and orphans, of soldiers ordered on......
Military Morals.
Lesketh How, Atnbkside, 18th October 1864. Son—You have done me the honour to insert a letter of mine in the last number of 'your journal, in reply to one from "A Very Old......
Trtttro To Flit
TICKETS-OP-LEAVE. London, 171h October. Sin — I cannot expect that you will open your valuable pages to a length- ened controversy upon tickets-of-leave; but I should be glad if......
The New Drama Of A Summer Storm Has The Length
without the sub- stance of a genuine Adelphi piece. An attempted murder, a false accu- sation, and ultimate vindication of innocence, are good standing ma- terials, that can no......
J14 T *tuff.
The production of Pericles at Sadler's Wells Theatre shows what a curious turn dramatic " legitimacy " has taken. Twenty years ago, when Mr. Bunn seemed to be placed on one side......
Liannaw Tx:mammals.
Those great temples of the drama the Ambigu-Comique and the Ga/te are vying with each other in the production of two long pieces, dissimilar in plot, but very much alike in......