The Paris correspondent of the Morning Chronicle, speaking of a
report that the Emperor and Empress of the French wonld visit our Queen, says- " I understand, from '."hat would appear to be expellent authority, that the -visit will take place in the course of the month of November - but I have not lieard.that 4frelpreCiee dayls fixed. I understand that it iiiipected that Queen Vietorian,I Prince Albert will return the visit about the middle of May next; when her Majesty will not only be able to see the French Exhibition, :which will then -he open, hut:rsee Paris in all its glory, with the immense improvements, now going on, in a state of completion."
An official announcement in the Wiener Zeitung delicately intimates that the youthful Empress is in a condition which gives the hope of an - heir to the throne of Austria.
The following eharacteristic announcement has appeared in the St. Peters- burg Journal—" The department of the Imperial Posts deems it necessary to inform the public that the operations of the offices for foreign posts at Yassy,• Bucharest, and Galats, and also of the sectional office at Giur- gewo, are suspended till further orders."