[To THE EDITOR OF' THE " SPUTA TOR."] SIR,—Some of your readers may possibly be aware that a Society entitled the" Society for Psychical Research" has lately been established, under the presidency of Mr. Henry Sidgwick, for the purpose of inquiring into a mass of obscure pheno- mena which lie at present on the outskirts of our organised knowledge.
It is an object of this Society to get hold of as much first- hand evidence as possible bearing on such real or supposed. phenomena as thought-reading, clairvoyance, presentiments, and dreams, noted at the time of occurrence, and afterwards oonfirraed; unexplained. disturbances in places supposed to be haunted.; apparitions at the moment of death, or otherwise ; and of other abnormal events, hard to classify at present, but which may seem to fall under somewhat the same categories as these.
We have been desired, as Secretaries of the Literary Com- mittee of the above-mentioned Society, to invite information of this kind from any trustworthy source.
Should any of your readers, now or in the future, be able and. inclined to send us an account, or put us on the track, of any phenomena of the kind which may have come under the cog- nizance of themselves or their friends, they would greatly oblige us ; and would also (as we think we may fairly say) be render. ing a real aid to the progress of knowledge in a direction where such aid is much needed. Nothing will, in any case, be printed. or published (either with or without names), except with the full consent of the persons concerned.
Should you think fit to insert this letter, you will confer a favour on, Sir, your obedient servants, EDMUND GURNEY, 26 Montpelier Square, S.W. FREDERIC W. H. Mruns, Leckhampton, Cambridge.