'lord Northbrook's Evening Speech Was A Defence Of The...
of the Government, especially in relation to Ireland. He showed the great diminution of agrarian crime, especially of crimes of violence to the person,—which had been reduced by......
Mr. Fawcett's Speech Was Notable For Its Courage In Dealing
lucidly with a rather 'abstract subject,—the socialistic scheme for the nationalisation of the land. To an audience of 4,000 persons, it is not easy to speak effectually on such......
Yesterday Week Was A Day Of Many Political Speeches. Lord
Northbrook and Mr. Fawcett made considerable speeches in Liverpool, while the Duke of Richmond and Gordon and Sir Stafford Northcote addressed a select audience of Scotch......
If The Radicals Are Thoroughly Loyal, There Is Evidence That
'the recalcitrant Whigs are returning to their allegiance. Mr. A. Peel addressed his constituents at Warwick on Thursday, and while speaking somewhat apologetically of his vote......
Sir Stafford Northcote Himself Descanted On The...
Scotch character, and the peculiar suitability of the Con- servative cause to engage on its side that independence of charac- ter, since nothing is more alien to men of......
There Is Every Sign That The Radicals Are Quite As
loyal to the Government as they were even in the time of the general elec- tion. At Swansea, this week, Mr. Dillwyn addressed his con- stituents, pointing out the absolute......
At Inverness, The Duke Of Richmond And Gordon, Assuming His
position as a great Scotch proprietor and politician, welcomed Sir Stafford Northcote to Scotland, to inaugurate "The Consti- tutional Association of the Northern Counties." The......