I" Memento mori," "Gedenke zu Loben."]
"Think of Death !" the gravestones say,— " Peace to Life's mad. striving !" But the churchyard daisies,—" Nay, Think of Living !"
"Think of Life !" the sunbeams say, O'er the dial flying; But the slanting shadows,—" Nay, Think of Dying !"
"Think of Death !" the night-birds say, On the storm-blast driving ; But the building swallows,—" Nay, Think of Living !"
"Think of Life ! " the broad winds say, Through the old trees sighing ; But the whirling leaf-dance,---" Nay,
Think of Dying !" " Think of Death !" the sad bells say, Fateful record giving ; Clash the Merry Yule-pea],—" Nay, Think of Living !"
Dying, Living, glad, or loth,
On God's Rood relying ; Pray He fit us all for both,—
Living, Dying!