Among these, Art books are, as usual, pre-eminent. The Medici
Society is producing a two-volume translation of Meier-Graefe's study of Van Gogh, at £3 3s., while from Messrs. Constable comes a less costly book on Goya, by Senor A. de Beruete Y. Moret. Of books on Eastern Art, The Wares of the Ming Dynasty, by Mr. R. L. Hobson, published by Messrs. Beim Brothers, should prove to be of absorbing interest, for the period is one of the greatest in Chinese Art ; and two books from Messrs. Routledge on Japanese Prints—Subjects Portrayed in Japanese Colour Prints and Early Block-Printing and Book Illustrations in Japan—promise to be exceedingly attractive. Josiah Wedgwood and his Pottery is a four-guinea book published by Messrs. Cassell, and Messrs. Heinemann have already published Rossetti and his Circle, the intimate history of a period maliciously told in cartoons by the priceless " Max," which we here consider in some detail. The second volume of Mr. Walter Pach's translation of M. Elie Faure's remarkable and stimulating History of Art, Dr. Peter Jessen's splendid collection of Rococo Engravings, and a fine study in two volumes of the art of the Brothers Adam by the Curator of the Soane Museum, are also reviewed in the present supplement.