" How It Strikes An American."
[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] Sin,—No - argument which Mr. Edward Price Bell has brought forward to disprove the belief, very prevalent, as he rightly says, in this country......
Mr. Gordon Craig And The Theatre Of To-day.
[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] SIR,—In opening the International. Theatre Exhibition at Manchester Sir John Martin Harvey, after reviewing the work shown, observed that after......
Letters To The Editor.
A PLEA FOR A RECONSTRUCTED MINISTRY. [To -the Editor of the SPECTATOR.j ,SIR, — In the above article of your issue -of October 7th you state that Mr. Lloyd George and Lord......
" The Smokeless City."
[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] Sin,—The authors of this interesting and important book, to which your reviewer directs attention in last week's Spectator, lay very proper......
Mr. Lloyd George. [to The- Editor Of The Spectator.] Sin,—it
is not surprising that Mr. J. L. Garvin should be auto-intoxicated. But it is lamentable that the Spectator should be blind to the fact that never has Mr. Lloyd George deserved......