21 OCTOBER 1922, Page 48
. Whatever may be the ultimate outcome of the recent
recommendations of the Colonial Office in the matter of the restriction of output, it is quite clear that the decision has restored some semblance of life to the market for Rubber shares, and not the least interesting feature of the past week, so far at all events as the speculative markets arc concerned, has been the rise in the shares of some of the leading Rubber companies. Here, for example, are the prices of the shares of a few companies :- Oct. 11th.
Oct. 1Sth.
Anglo-Dutch • • .. 29s. .. 33s.
Anglo-Malay 4:r • • if Highlands ..
Kuala Lumpur 1 . . Linggi • ..
Rubber Trusts• • 16s. 9d. .. 21s. 6d.
Tandjong if • •