German policy is, however, influenced by military and strategic as
Well as economic motives.. Thus, in the dispute between Hungary and Czechoslovakia, Germany's influence has been used to limit Hungary's demands to " ethno- graphical " ones, as control of Ruthenia from Prague gives her direct access to the oil-fields of Rumania. On the other hand Poland, which .has willingly accepted the £5,000,000 credit granted by Germany, is urging Hungary to press for the whole of Ruthenia, and obtain the common frontier with Poland which will make it possible to form a bloc which.. can be opposed to Germany's territorial expansion. Colonel Beck's visit to Rumania this week will be devoted to calming the fears aroused in King Carol, as a loyal member of the Ljoile Entente, by Hungary's demands, and to persuading him that behind the Polish-Hungarian bloc Rumania and Yugoslavia will enjoy a greater security than was given by their alliance with Czechoslovakia. Colonel Beck has a subsidiary reason for urging Hungary's demands, which throws a curious light on the principles on which Central Europe is being reorganised. The grant of autonomy to Ruthenia by Czecho- slovakia may arouse dangerous desires for a similar freedom in the racially allied Ukranians of Poland. With the Ruthenians under Hungarian control, they will cease to set so unfortunate an example.