France's Emergency The Peace Of Munich Has At Length Aroused
France to a realisation of her weakness in the air. The immediate objective is the construction of 4,000 aeroplanes, which would give France a first line strength of 2,600 with......
Revolt In Palestine With The Arrival Of British...
first steps have been taken in suppressing the Arab revolt in Palestine. A military Governor has been appointed in Jerusalem and a 24-hour curfew is in force in the Old City,......
Trade Agreement Delays It Was Expected That The...
agreement would be ready for signature by the middle of September. The negotiations have been held up, apparently, by American demands for tariff concessions which are hard to......
Canton And Hankow Japan's Advance On Canton Has...
astonishing rapidity after the landing last week at Bias Bay. The main force is now held up at Tsencheng, 5o miles east of Canton, but a surprise offensive further south has......
Economics And Peace M. Van Zeeland, The Former Prime...
of Belgium, made a welcome reappearance on the public scene when he delivered the Marshall Lecture on " Economics or Politics " at Cambridge on Tuesday. International ambitions......
Labour In New Zealand The Magnitude Of The Government's...
in the New Zealand General Election last Saturday was beyond expecta- tion. Although Labour was expected to win, a consider- able reduction of its majority was prophesied. In......
America Uneasy Public Opinion In The United States Is...
im- pressed by President Roosevelt's declaration that the whole of the next Budget must be reconsidered in the light of the new requirements for national defence. The question......