Alternative to Franco SIR, —A5 I have just returned from a
visit to Spain, I was very interested to read Father Cary-Elwes' impressions of the Franco regime. Conditions there, such as the extreme drought and the widespread poverty, were exactly as he described. However, there is one conclusion which he made and with which I disagree. He was of the opinion that, if the present dictatorship was not shortly withdrawn, there would be a rapid increase of Communism. But, what so greatly impressed me during my stay in Spain w.phthe people's absolute hatred of anything to do with the
Communists. is fact was evident even in Barcelona where there have recently been various bomb outrages.
Today, because of her, geographical position, Spain forms an essential part in the Western line of defence against the Communist advance. But because of Spain's neutrality during the war and her friendliness with Germany, both Britain and America appear reluctant to join in a defence pact with Franco. However, recent events seem to indicate that their present attitude towards Spain is changing. If and when the Allies decide to seek Franco's co-operation in their "cold war" with Russia, I feel certain that they will find this country a most helpful and friendly ally.— Yours sincerely, MICHAEL IRWIN. Croft House, /99 Pinner Road, Watford, Hens.