The "spectator's" Bias
SIR,—Obviously the Spectator does not intend to give undue preference to any one of the many university periodicals. It is a remarkable coincidence, however, that the first......
Swarm Or Colony ? I Have Been Taken To Task
by a bee-keeper for writing of "swarm" wheq,I meant "colonies." Now bee-keepers are very particular about word: They won't allow us to speak of the honey of flowers. Hon.:c is a......
Country Life
ST. LUKE'S summer, which is dated from October 18th, has one other summer to follow—St. Martin's—but it is often the last real bit of summer, warm and green like its......
The Romantic On The Railway Sir,—canon Lloyd's Reference...
of the cleanest footplates I have ever seen" would suggest that a clean footplate is today the exception. As a pupil on the G.W.R. I had some experience of footplates on all......
In The Garden B . I Saw Recently A Special Collection
of pcnstemons, flowers for which had no particular affection, but penstemons today are not the penstemon , of yesterday. A lot has been done for the flower—by selection, by......
It is really a very odd thing in the psychology (if the word be allowed) of birds that new habits spread rapidly ; birds, in short, learn readily. A member of a well-known......
The Steel-toothed Trap
Snt,—The R.S.P.C.A. fully shares Mr. Scott's view of this matter, but I wonder what his reaction, and those of your readers, would be to the attitude of the chairman of a Bench......
A Matter Of Taste
SIR,—The story, doubtless authentic, in your columns of the dog which discriminated between the daily and evening paper, is no more strange than that of my friend's dog. It......
Rural Crafts Those Jeremiahs Who Lament The Extinction Of...
rural craftsmen have neglected to notice the really solid successes of the revised and enlarged Rural Industries Bureau, whose Youth's Opportunity in the Countryside (35 Camp......