The "Spectator's" Bias
SIR,—Obviously the Spectator does not intend to give undue preference to any one of the many university periodicals. It is a remarkable coincidence, however, that the first person to take advantage of the publicity incidental to the Undergraduate Page was the Editor of Varsity Supplement ; and that last week this page was devoted to an extraordinary, back-slapping tribute to Varsity and Supplement. Furthermore, in the same issue, Janus lavishly commented upon Varsity and Varsity Handbook, to the exclusion and.belittlement of other periodicals produced by the various universities. It seems that the purpose of the Undergraduate Page has been obscured by what appears to be biased journalism.—Yours obediently, III is not the fault of the Spectator if Varsity chooses to be a singularly good university periodical or if persons connected with it happen to write good articles for the Undergraduate Page.—En., Spectator.]