The Turkish Sultan seems to wear the Russian fetters with
con- siderable comfort. He has despatched an envoy to St. Peters- burg to return his especial thanks to the Czar for his late chari- table interference in his favour. He persists in attempting to dis- cipline his army, which now scarcely exceeds twenty thpusand men, in the Russian fashion; to their extreme annoyance.
Another fire, by which four thousand houses were destroyed, occurred a few weeks since.
IBRAHIM PACHA. is using great exertions to consolidate his sway over his late conquests; which it is obvious he views in the _light of preliminary ones merely. Great complaints are made by foreign residents at Constanti- nople, of the opening of private letters at the Vienna Post-office. It is even said that despatches from Ambassadors are examined; but we should suppose that these latter were generally sent by express.