Accounts From India Mention, That A Meeting Had Been...
in Bombay for the 14th of May, on the subject of a steam-navigation from England to India. The main object of the meeting, however, related to the communications between Bombay......
The Following Statement Of The Number Of Suicides Which Have
oc- curred in Westminster for each year from 1812 to 1831 inclusive, has been drawn up from official documents by Mr. Higgs, the Deputy Co- roner. The total number of suicides......
Old Sarum
TO THE EDITOR OF THE SPECTATOR. Bathwick, 16th September 1833. MR. EDITOR—In your last Spectator, you notice, with appropriate remarks, the uprooting by the late storms of the......
Captain Chads, Who Was Deputed By Tbe Admiralty To Proceed
to Boulogne, and investigate the circumstances attending the loss of the Amphitrite and her passengers, has made the following report ; ad- dressed to Captain Elliot, the......
St. James's Palace is about undergoing, by command of his Majesty, an extensive and thorough repair, internally and externally. The de- cayed and insecure portions of crick and......
The Following Letter And Memorandum, Which Are Extracted...
Glasgow Chronicle, contain information relative to the trade Ivith China, transmitted from the India Board on the 12th instant, by Mr. Charles Grant, in answer to queries......