The English Stock Market has been ins quiet state during the whole week, and until today the fluctuation had not exceeded if per cent ; the priceof Con- sols for Money, which had declined to 96 1-1, for Account 961 , remaining without any variation. A trifling improvement occurred this afternoon, and the closing prices are 96 1 f for Mosey and 9644 for Account. The meeting of the Bank proprietary, held yesterday, has not produced any effect upon the price of Bank Stock; not a single bargain, as far as we can learn, having oc- curred in it. The general opinionis decidedly against the proposals of Mr. Be Winton. The plan for investing 5,000,0001. in Consols is in reality one for making the Bank Directors a stockjobbing association. Within the last five years, Consols have been above 100 and below 80; and unless the Directors have had a supernatural luck,it cannot be supposed that they have always bought at the cheapest and sold at the dearest. The risk of loss in such ope- rations far exceeds the chance of profit As to the investment of money upon mortgage to enable landholders to drain their estates, it should be remember- ed that the severity of the panic of 1825 was greatly increased by the Bank of England's haying locked up a very insignificant portion of its capital in advances upon land, which. was not available in the hour of need. It is easy for shareholders who are under no responsibility to clamour for large profits ; but it should be borne in mind that the sound principles of bankingare to em- ploy capital for short periods at low rates of interest upon undoubted security, and never to lay it out in anything that cannot be readily realized in times of pressure and emergency. The temptations of /age rates of interest and speculative gains are thus uvoided; and however unpopular these Fabian tactics may .be for a time, they are sure to conduce to the great end of secur- ing a moderate return and a sure investment for capital.
The transactions of the Foreign Market have been more extensive than usual. An arrival from Mexico beings report of a further intended shipment of dollars on account of the dividends and the payment of some money on account of the arrears. The price of the Stock has consequently risen about lf per cent, and closes firmly at. the advance. Spanish Stock has experienced a decline of about 1. E i arly n the week, a letter was received from the as- sociated agents of the Bondholders at Madrid, stating that there was small probability of the Government's adopting the nropositions for the conversion of the Active Stock, agreed in at the recent meeting of the. Bondholders in London. The price of the Bonds consequently declined to 19; but it has since improved, and closes this afternoon at 194 4. The South American Stocks are without material change or any large transactions. The Russian ?oar-and-a-half per Cent Stock continues in good demand ; as do all the Ether securities of Northern Europe.
The Railway Share Market was very active in the beginning of the week; on Monday and Tuesday all sects of shares were in demand, and prices ad- vanced considerably. A reaction succeeded, and the prices of the principal Shares are today from 2L to 41. below the highest. The exciting cause of this improvement is doubtless the large increase generally. observable in the 'ells of most of the lines, and the anticipations of further increase by the at- sections of the Exhibition in 185L SATORDJIY T HELVE' o'CLoac..
In the English Market, Consols are if lower, being 961 1 for Money, and 96 1 for Account. In the 'Foreign Market, Spanish. Stock is 1 per cent lower tidy, being 181 4 for the Active and 37484 for the Three per Cents. In the Shoe Market prices art about the same as yesterday. Caledonians have been done at 74; East Lancashire, 10; Great Western 691; Loudon, Thigkon, and South Coast, 831; London and North-westerti, 113; Midland, BATUMI'S' Two °Twee. In th English Market, Consols are a shade higher, being 96 44 for Money and 96 \ for Account. In the Foreign Market, prices are much the some— Brasilia 913; Belgian, 902; Chilian, 102 4 ; Danish, -100 1 ; Ditto Three per Cents.76 9; Dutch Two-and-a-half per Cents, 574 -8; Ditto Four per Cents, 91 -Mexican. 30 4 ; Peruvian 811 2; Portuguese Four per Cents, 334 44; Ito Five Per Cents, 33/ 41 ;,-Bassian, 109 11; Spanish Active, 1844; Dit Three per Cents, 37184; Venezuela, 321 31.
In The Shae Market, prices continue depressed, with business transacted
the follokg prices—Bristol tol and Exeter, 67; Caledonian, 71 8 71
Ditto New 1 Preference, 545; 'Pastern Counties, 6; East Lancashire, 10; Great Northers 111 1; Great Southern and Western, (Ireland,) 33; Great Western, 691 81.1 : -Ditto New 171., 01 ; Hull and Selby, 95; Lancashire and Yorkshire, 54 6- London and Blackwell, 54; London, Brighton, and- South Coasts 831 London and North-western, 11344; Ditto New Quarter- snares, 181 Lenon.and South-western, 69-8; Midland, 381 1 41 ; Ditto 50l. Shares, 114; forth British, 6/ f ; North Staffordshire, 64; Reading, Guildford, and Relate, 184- Scottish Central, 124 4; South-eastern and Dover, 191 a; D'fro Registered No. 4, 61 1 ; York, Newcastle, and Ber- wick, 1644 16; Dia°. N. E. Purchase or Preference, ; York and North Midland, 191; Bouhne and Amiens, 74; East Indian, 94; Paris and Rouen, 241.
3 per Cent Consols .... Ditto for Account • • •
3 per Cent Reduced
34 per Cents Long Annuities Bank Stock .Exchequer Bills India Stock
964 i Danish 3per Cents 76 9 96 i Dutch 24 per Cents 57i 8 shut Ditto 4 per Cents 914 shut Mexican 5 per Cents 1846 301 i
shut Peruvian 6 per Cents 811 2
shut Portuguese 4 per Cents 1842, 631 41 4 65 pm. Portuguese 5 per CeaU 1824. 134 al
265 6 Russians per Cents .. 109 11 Brazilian 5 per Cents... ..... 1 3 Spanish (Active) 5 per Cents, 18
Belgian 41 per Cents
Chalon 6 per Cents 1 2 ■ Ditto 3 per Cents 1942 V Danish 5 per Cents 1P1t1 t Venezuela .