21 SEPTEMBER 1850, page 21
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dsnottt 3 10 1,0t09 01"01.0Lp /PO . • Iluw 3ai1 aiolueek use v:Arr .a • 1 IL-19mq 1itn17 iou irrl441 1 717W, ow ,hoolior .filto . latiaifos4spaosii yelsovisklaisooekt• • 3 per......
Comiercial Gazette. 'i
Tuesday, September 17. • P.arrriciakitir__a 'Brothers, Chiswell Street,. auctioneoes-i Parker and Son, Sheffield, horn-merchants - Reiy and Robinsorr, Liverpool, cutlers......
Military Gazette' Omen Of Ordnance, Sept. 13.—royal Re G...
Rev , W. M. Wri g ht to be Chaplain, vice Tuson, resi g ned. - Corps of Royal En g ineers.—Lieut.-Col. W. H. Slade to be Col. vice Holloway, deceased. . WAR-OFFICE, Sept. 17.-24......