Tuesday, September 17. •
P.arrriciakitir__a 'Brothers, Chiswell Street,. auctioneoes-i Parker and Son, Sheffield, horn-merchants-Reiy and Robinsorr, Liverpool, cutlers -Wareing, and Co. Stalybeidge, cotton-spinners ; as far as regards W. Wareing- Bramwell and Co. HeWorth, Durhath;Matiefecturers of:prussiates on BIC patent ate process-Soden and Co. New Broad Street,-inerahants-De la Salle and Christie, Cannon Stiret, watch-makers-Dodds and Harriman, Biaydon, Durham, fire-brick- manufacturers-Mackie• ad SOn tA,4erpea; - merchants-Stewart and Cockburn( Livetmol, provision-merchants-Johnson and CO. Aldermary Churchyard, Watling Street,:mexcheits-Burter and Co. Bangor, printers-Williams and Co. Tottenham Cowl; Road; curriers ; as far as iegradifH. Williarni----Cudbird 'and Molesworlb: Norriich, sawyers-Griffiths and Co. Wrexhadi, millers; as far as regards F. Bo- berts-J..and 71. Lord, Halifax, dyers-Charlton and Son, •Manchester, tent-dealers -Warnefoyds, York, linerldrapers ; as far as regards It. Warneford-Daitenport and. . Co. liiiimnghapi, black-ornainent-mannfacturers“-Gordon: and Hens, BLUM.: SLUM, Rothe-rhithe,, ship- andiers ; as far .as regards W. Gordon scn.-Houston and, Sou, Ggow, ninuIscturers. • ANKRUPT8.-J.&)4BESer.ET-LAEKE. Norwich; draper, to surrender Sept. 27, Oct, 29: soliciterli AshugL and Son Old Jewry • official assignee, Graham Coleman St.- JOHN &Amid, St. N ;-draper,Sept: 27, Nov. 12 se .eitore, Cale, :Adelphi.:Teri race ; Foster, Cambridge; official assignee, Edwards, Satribrook Court-Asturian SotonoNs,'Basinghill Street, merchant, Oct. 4, Nov. : solicitors, Lawrence and Pier,,, Old Jewry Chambers; official assignee; Edwards; Sambrook Court-JosErn TenNEn., Eastbourne, draper,- Oa' Oa. 29: solicitorii; Linklater, Charlene ;ROiri Mansionhotise Sole and Turner, Aldermanbury ; official assignee, Groom, Ab- cleAreh Larie-Euss,M.umus, Lime/team,. builder. Sept. 27, Nov. 12 solicitors, Ewalt]) Ramie= Roams, Biglioao te, Birmingham; commercial traveller, Sept. Marten and Co. Cottrcial Sale Rooms ; official assignee, Groom, Abchurch Lane- 28 ,Nov. 4 : solicitor' ,8Ianey, Birmingham ; Official assignee, Whitmore, Birmingham. DIYIDID2D.-OCL. g;'Aslinui, Colchester, tailor.- ; Semen Saaffizsrakliacxxs.Dottovan jun. Grangemouth; ship-broker, Sept. 21, Oct. 12—Clark,, Hlgin, ia8k,chant, Sept. -18; 'Oct. 0'-Hope, Edinburgh„: baker; Sept. 28, Oct. 14-2arihall, l.dinburgh, artist, Sept. 25, Oct.16-Robertson, Dundee, salmon- fisher, Sept. 25, Oct,'24, • .
• Friday,. September 20..
1#,artrarzaliinrs Cossoirmi.-Peel, Brothers, Watlington, Oxfordshire, brewers; as far,as regards-W, Ai and It. B. W. Peel-W. and W. F. Moore, Plymouth,' thiri- builders--Grason and: Higgs, Boston, dropers-Hayles and Regester, Wisbech St. Piker, tailors-E. and g. Foster, Leighton Buzzard, tailors-Peach and Kirkland, Lenten, Nottingliamehire, lace-manufacturers-C. and J. Mills, Leeds, letternietri- printers-Barlow and-Taylor, Lower Clowe's, Lancashire cotton-spinners-Roberts andjackson,-Coleford, Gloucesterahlre-Warmington and Lcmpriere, Hooknoettm, Oxfordshire, telloree4Sands and Joy, Norwich, woollen-drapers-Worlidge and Co. Matichester,•fenWeelers-Milkins and Co..Trowbridge,linen-drixpers-Edwards and Ash, Torquay, cohoh+makers-Marshall and maria,• nowiten-,-Thrkshiid, grocers- Shade and Co. Marylebone Street, artiiits'-colocirrneii; is far is regards W. Smith and Shade-J; and J. Wait, Manchester, file-manufacturers-AU-drew and Sous. Manchester, calico-printers-W. and It. Patin, Chester, corn-merchants-Soward and Sod-Bates and Sons, 'Manchester, •cottomSeitlexii; as fax al regards. 14. Bates sen. and W,Batesjun.-Wilsonnnd Lacy, Burnley; :cottem-manufacturers-Nelson and Sons, Leeds,:inart-founders-4Smith and Co; :Halifax, .commission-agents-F. A. and J. Frost, Chester, corni-merohants-Wriglay and Shaw, ;Porb Elizabeth, Cape of Good Hope, merchants-Moore and Bowker, Manchester, cotton-dealers-London, Leith, Edinburgh, and Glasgow Shipping Company ; as far as regards Archibald BANKRUPTCY ANNIFLI,ED.-WILLIAII AS.12,1TenrEStreet, Hampstead Road, plumber. -BANKRUPTK-BLCHARD WILSON JEWISON and EDWARD ATKINSON, Charlotte Ter- race, New Cut, linen-drapers, to surrender Oct. 3, Nov. 7: solicitor, Depree, Law- rence Lane; official assignee, Johnson, Easitigliall Street-Gzonos WALKER, Phil- pot Line;•mitchitiii,'Sept.;38, Oct. 31: - ardieiturs, Ilidlearys, -Feachtuuli Street ; offi- cial assignee, Johnson,. Besingliall Street -Muggy WARD FARRER, Old Fish Street, mine:Merelient. Sept...30,941e 31,: solicitors, Wilde and Co. College 1/111; Official ai,- signee„Bell, Coleman Street BiffidingS-FuEnznic VINES and TooliksKrroxsa, East Greenwich; millcia; Oct: 4,,N6v.• 12: solicitors; Linklaters, Charlotte Row, Mansion- house; 'Official 4X:signer; .Croons, :Abe/lurch Lane-Jouts BENNETT, Hay HUI, Berkeley -Seuare,, builder, ; o1ioitors,Linklaters, 'Charlotte Row, .Mangionhouse; , official assignee. Groom, Abchurch Lane=Wriman Prat, Read- tog, tobacconist, Oct. 8, Nov. 13: solicitors, Linklaters, Charlotte Row,- Mansion- house; official hotignee, Edwards, Sambrook Court-WiELEOI HENELEE, Hart Street; Covent Garden, victualler, Oct. 8, Nov. 13: solicitor, Stanley, Gerrard Street, Soho; official :assignee, Edwards, Sambrook Court-SAirum,- FliaitCE, Bradford, Yorkshire, grocer, Oct. 1, 22: solicitors; Carisa add Cudworth. Leeds; official as- signee, Hope, Leeds-BT-Nzitini HOPKINSON BATON, Liverpool. merchant, Oct. 2. 22: solicitor,. Holden, Liverpool: -official assignee, (lazeliOve, Liverpool—J.01ns Avithr- sox; Neweagle-upon-Tyne, victualler, Sept. 26, Oct. 29: solicitors, Burn, Great Carter Lane ; 'Bownas, Newcastle-upon-Tyne; official assignee, Biker, Newcastle- Upon-Tyne. -DivrozwiTrif.-Get;18,-Orifilths, Strand, linen-draper-Oct. 11, Barker, Cambridge, banker-Oct. 11, Barreit5eQx7oxd,,timber-mercbant1-Oct. 21, Gilligan, Hain, baker -Oct. 21, Andrews, King's LYnn,ignicer-i-Gett 22, Lleydi;Wrexham, banker. Ciatiertfamedi-Zb be granted, va4es, cause be shown to the contrary, on the day of Ineeting.—Oct. 11, 3PLeod, Haberdasher Street, baton, brewer-Oct. 17, Girdviood, Maidallitiveheirdsti-Dota5-, ()what, Lantilio Pertholey, Monmouthshire, Miller.
Dretsitarioxs or DIVIDENDS.-Spencer, Manchester, cotton-spinner; first div. of 3d.' and 7-16the ofa,1d Opt. 15, or any subsequent Tuesday; Potts, MaEchester- Livsey, Bury, cettemrepiniier ; first die. of le 4d. Oct. 15, or any subsequent Tues- day; ;Prat, Mandl-ester. SCOTC/1 SEGIVESTRAYLONS.-1Tector, St. Cyrus, near Montrose, salmon-fisher, Sept. 24, Oct. 18-.Green, ;Aberdeen, saddler, Sept. 25, Oct. 16-Smith, Glasgow, Sept. 25, Oct: 16,-Hood, Paisley, :brazier, Sept. 27, Oct. 18-Harris, Glasgow, warehouseman, Sept. 27, Oct. 18 -APKeininie, Glasgow, miller, Sept. 26, Oct. 17-Paterson, Edin- burgh, printer, Sept.' 25, Oct. 23.