21 SEPTEMBER 1867, Page 1

The North German Federal Budget is not as yet a

very im- posing one. Turning dollars into English money, the expenditure is about 10,823,000/., of which 10,350,0001. is called ordinary, and 473,0001. extraordinary expenditure. The total revenue is 7,848,0001., and consequently the deficit is 2,975,0001. To make up this deficit, Prussia contributes 2,531,0001; Saxony, 231,000/. ; and the other States, 213,0001. The expenditure is of course chiefly military. It is thus divided :—

Army 9,962,000 Navy (ordinary) 351,000 Navy (extraordinary) 394,000 Miscellaneous 116,000

£10,823,000 The total is not as much as we often pay for our Navy alone The Prussian Army proper is no doubt still of considerably more importance than the Federal Army.