21 SEPTEMBER 1867, page 23

Physical Geography. By Professor Ansted. (w. H. Allen And...

This volume does not profess to be more than an outline, but we must. give Professor Anted full credit for the care and completeness with which that outline has been traced.......

Current Literature

• Woodburn Grange. By William Howitt. 3 vole, (Charles W. Wood.) —This is a good specimen of the chatty, sketchy novel, without any central characters, or any clearly defined......

Paul's Courtship. A Novel. By Hesba Stratton. Three Volumes.

(Charles W. Wood.)—Miss Stratton "cannot plead the feeble excuse of hasty composition" for the faults of her second noveL She may fairly urge in mitigation of punishment that......

The Land Of Thor.*

IT may be open to question how far an enlightened public will be benefited by the rough-and-ready pen-and-pencil sketches of a half educated American coming fresh from......

Letter To His Grace The Duke Of Buccleuch On The

Quadrature and Rectification of the Circle. By James Smith, Esq. (Simpkin and Marshall.)—For some years, we believe, Mr. James Smith has been pro- claiming that the British......