21 SEPTEMBER 1867, Page 2

One other very grave charge, which no impartial person will

receive on such utterly untrustworthy evidence as Bishop Gray's, that pre- late brought against Dr. Coleus° :—" That bishop, who had himself fallen away from the faith, but still claimed to be a bishop of the Church of England, and was supported kty the authority of the Courts because he was a bishop of the Church of England, now persecuted those brethren who stood up for the faith, expelled them from their homes and from their churches, and deprived them of their means of subsistence." We should like to know the ground for this last accusation, on some better evidence than that of the Metropo- litan who has undoubtedly been guilty of like conduct, in striving to get the salary of Bishop Colenso's clerical adherents withdrawn by the S.P.G., or granted conditionally on his own approval.