French Literature, by Gustave Masson (S.P.C.K.), one of the series
bearing the title of "The Dawn of European Literature."
Motiere's "Bourgeois Gentilhomme." Edited, with Life of Moliere and Grammatical and Philological Notes, by the Rev. A. C. Clapin, M.A. (Cambridge University Press.)—Lazare Hoche. Par Emile de Bonnechose. Edited, with Introductions and Com- mentary, by C. Colbeck, M.A. A new edition. (Same publishers.) —Colombo. By Prosper Merimee. Edited by C. H. Parry. (Rivingtons.)—Petit Theatre des Enfants : Twelve Tiny French Plays for Children. By Mrs. Hugh Bell. (Longmans.)—Lesicon of Conversationl French, with Interlinear Pronunciation. By Alfred Holloway. Second edition. (George Bell and Sons.)