Stories Of The Great Scientists, By Henrietta C. Wright...
and Downey), makes an excellent gift-book for a boy with a turn for science. It retells in a pleasant, but not too day-nurseryish style, various tolerably familiar stories, such......
Every - Day Heroes (s.p.c.k.) Is An Admirable Little Book...
into the hands of a promising boy. It contains stories of excep- tional bravery, essentially of the civilian sort, from the year 1837, when the Queen ascended the throne, to the......
In Terms Of Almost Unstinted Praise: The Work Of A
Cork pub- lisher, it describes fully, not too rhetorically, and, so far as we have been able to test it, accurately, the beautiful scenery, antiquities, &c., of the South of......
The Horse.* This Is A Profoundly Practical Book On A
profoundly practical subject, so practical, indeed, that one is inclined to doubt at first whether much good is likely to come of writing books about it. The breeding and......
The Land Of My Fathers. By T. Marchant Williams. (long-
mans, Green, and Co.)—This is a terribly earnest yet somewhat grotesque attempt by a very patriotic Welshman to strike a blow at sectarianism, bard drinking, payment by results,......
Current Literature.
Essays Towards a Critical Method. By John W. Robertson. (T. Fisher Unwin.)—It is to be feared that Mr. Robertson's effort to promote "scientific criticism" is not likely to be......