Johnnie ; or, Only a Life, by Robina F. Hardy
(Oliphant, Ander- son, and Ferrier, Edinburgh), is a pretty and pathetic rather than powerful Scotch story with a purpose. A little waif of a boy, in whom and whose natural goodness a missionary and his prospective wife take a great interest, is to all intents and pur- poses killed by his mother, a woman with a violent temper and an inclination to drink. There are some really good Scotch character- sketches in Johtinie ; Kirsty Orrack, the virago, who, when she is not fighting poor weak Mrs. Laidlaw, is tempting her to ruin her- self, is an exceptionally good portrait. The love-making is rather weak, but the mixing-up of Scotch and Norwegian—not to speak of Danish and English—characteristics, is very skilfully managed.