Manual of German Composition. By G. Beresford Webb. (Rivingtons.)—This volume
contains preliminary sections on syntax, idioms, style, &c., followed by 160 extracts, graduated as to difficulty. Suggestions are made for the rendering of expressions for which the learner would not find it easy to supply the equivalent. In a few at the end, he is left entirely to himself. We have here, in fact, for German just such a manual as we are used to see for Greek and Latin.—Schiller's Minor Poems and Ballads. With Historical and Literary Notes. By Arthur P. Vernon. (Williams and Norgate.)—Intermediate German Course. By Franz Lange, Ph.D. (Whittaker and Co.) "comprising the Elements of German Grammar ; Idioms ; Materials for Translation, Dictation, Extempore Conversation ; and Vocabularies." This is the intermediate of three books.— German Examination Papers, by R. I. Morrit, edited by A. M. M.
Stedman, M.A. (Bell and Sons) ; and A Key to German Examination Papers, by A. R. Lechner (Rivingtons).