On Saturday last Mr. Haldane delivered a speech on the
Army scheme at the opening of the new headquarters for the Scottish Horse at Blair Atholl. We need not follow him in his re-exposition of the Act, but may draw attention to the manner in which he insisted on the point that no onerous conditions would be forced on the Volunteers. A fifteen days' camp would not be required from those who could not give up so much time, but money would be provided for fifteen days. He wanted willing service, knowing that all other kinds were useless. We have dealt with the rest of Mr. Haldane's speech elsewhere, and will only say here that now that the scheme has received the Royal assent we do not wish to labour criticism. We hope that it will be made by far the best working scheme the country has ever had. None ever depended so much on patriotic service being freely and gratuitously rendered, and we hope that Mr. Haldane's high expectation of its possibilities will be handsomely fulfilled.