Book Prices Current : Vol. Xxi, October, 1906 — July,...
Stock. 27s. 6d. net.)—The sales during the year were somewhat more numerous than usual, and the rarity and value of the books considerably above the average, A First Folio......
The Bible Story. By Helen N. Lawson. (macmillan And Co.
8s. 6d.)—In this volume, which has for a sub-title " The Beginnings of the Christian Church," we have the Old Testament story told in simple language suited to the understanding......
The Story Of Byfield. By John Lewis Ewell, D.d. (g.
E. Littlefield, Boston, U.S.A.)—Byfield is a parish in Essex County, Massachusetts, comprising parts of three small towns, Newbury, Rowley, and Georgetown. In the story which......
The Myths Of Greece And Rome. By H. A. Guerber.
(George G. Harrap. 7s. 6d. net.)—The sub-title promises the reader "the signification and origin" of the myths, as well as the stories themselves. As a matter of fact, this......
New Enrrfoxs. — The Life Of Robert, First Lord Clive. By The
Rev. G. R. Gleig, M.A. (John Murray. 2s. 6d. net.)—This was first published in 1848, and has been four times reprinted. We notice an error that other biographers have copied......
We Have Received Two Maps, Asia And Canada, From Messrs.
W. and A. K. Johnston. The scale of the first is 144-5 miles to the inch, of the second 44. It will give some idea of the vastness of the Dominion if we state that with this......
The Woollen And Worsted Industries. By J. H. Clapham....
and Co. 6s.)—There is much in this volume which is beyond the purview of a reviewer. The materials, the machinery employed, the processes, and methods generally of the......