21 SEPTEMBER 1951, Page 20


SIR—In the course of his very interesting article; The Interpreter, Mr. Gordon remarks, "It is the rarest achievement for anyone to be able to appreciate two conversations simultaneously." No doubt, but perhaps you'will allow me to record what I once saw in a little hotel in the south of France. I was going out and had occasion to say something to the proprietress. When I reached the vestibule I found her in con- versation with two other French ladies. I hung back, waiting for my opportunity ; and this is what I saw. During the time I waited not one of the three ladies for one moment ceased speaking, but at the same time each one of the three continued to take a polite and intelligent interest in what each of the other two were saying. I shall be told I am exaggerating, but I saw it. And I have never witnessed a happier conversation. The charm of it was that nobody was interrupting.—Yours