Equity And American Artists
his letter published in your issue of September 14th on the subject of the unfortunate dispute about the appearance in this country of Miss Barbara Perry, Mr. Bruce Belfrage......
Sir,—apropos Of The Rev. Mervyn Stockwood's Article,...
write in ignorance and for information. As a lay member of the Church of England, I think that many of us feel that, before an appeal is. made for more money, the existing money......
Disappearing Clergy
Sot,—The key to Mr. Stockwood's thinking seems to be this: " This country . . . pays for schools and teachers and doctors. . . . If it believes in the Christian religion it must......
Sm,—unlike Your Correspondent, The Rev. K. C. 'stuart,...
Mervyn Stockwood did not cause me any distress by his article, although I deplore with your correspondent the suggestion that legislation should be introduced making a......
Sir,—the Rev. Mervyn Stockwood, In His Article,...
that " the State, in spite of popular fallacy, does not contribute a penny" towards the Church of England. This is not the case. The State contributes to all charities in direct......