Poor Spain is exhibited to the world under a serious
combination of pressures within and without, "above, below, around." The thoughtless Court, hitherto lost in gayety and sensualism, appears to been rendered red grave by the conjunction of demands upon it. While the people are agitating the establishment of the " empire " under King Henry of Portugal—while officers are grumbling in a mutinous spirit, which provokes from Government frequent banish- ments or "permissions to travel" abroad—while the middle and monied classes were running to the bank for gold, and threatening the establishment with that insolvency which already cramps the state—Mr. Soule appears to demand indemnity for the Black Warrior, with the understood confisca- tion of Cuba as a " material guarantee" in case of refusal ; and even Lord Howden keeps up a series of demands.To say nothing of the moral pressure which he has exerted on be- half of the muleteer and the donkey, recently wounded in the streets of Madrid, he has also, as standing grievance, the system- atic breach of treaties against the slave-trade with this country, and a new claim that Spain should exclude from her ports pri- vateers, and prevent export of goods contraband of war. Under this alarmingly concurrent pressure, Spain seetee disposed to give to the several claimants, better government, tone j!, honest ade ministration in Cuba, and Neck Werrior indemnity ; her reply on the point of neutrality awl privateering being delayed, perhaps rather by Spanish pride and real official ignorance on the proper course in such a novel question, than by any genuine disposition to treat with the agents of the Czar, who are said to be in Spain. A safe assertion, since they are everywhere.