The New Operatic Establishment At Drury Lane Has Set About
doing what the Royal Italian Opera, when first established, professed the in- tention of doing—placing an entertainment hitherto exclusively enjoyed by the richer classes within......
At The Non-lyrical Theatres, Easter Is Celebrated With A...
amount of novelty ; though,. generally speaking, the novelties are less abundant, and less characteristic of a holiday, than at the Easters of old days. Mr. Buekstone's Voyage......
Forattro Anb Zusir.
Pending the absence of the great opera stars, Grisi, Cruvelli, Mario, and Lablache, whose rising is expected with the month of May, the Covent Garden managers have given......
Money Market.
STOCK EXCHANOR, FRIDAY Arnanoox. The intelligence this week regarding the Eastern question has been of secondary importance, and Government Securities have been influenced......
Mr. Hullah, By His Concerts At St. Martin's Hall, Is
now supplying a desideratum in choral music. Hitherto we have had the chorus-singing of the oratorio and of the opera ; the one grand but ponderous, the other theatrical and......
On Monday Week, St. James's Theatre Will Probably Open For
a series of French Plays, under the management of M. Lafont.......