A Russian merchant-ship, the Froya, was captured yesterday, in the
Channel, between the Owers and Beachy Head, by the revenue steam- cruiser Argus, Commander Grandy, and carried into Portsmouth last night. The rumour of her coming went before her, and crowds gathered on the ramparts cheered as she was towed in. She is a fine ship of 440 tons, armed with two 9-pound carronades, bound for Abo, and laden with salt. She sailed from Lisbon on the 28th, or, as one account says, on the 25th of March.
Accounts from Hamburg, dated Thursday, state that four more Rus- sian merchant-vessels have been captured in the Baltic, and that the whole number now amounts to fourteen. The Conflict and the Tribune appear to have been the captors.
The French fleet which has left Brest for the Baltic consists of twenty- seven ships, bearing 1250 guns ; and it carries an expeditionary force of infantry, artillery, and 1790 horses.