22 APRIL 1854, Page 8



The intelligence this week regarding the Eastern question has been of secondary importance, and Government Securities have been influenced principally by transactions connected with the settlement of the Consol Ac- count: this took place on Tuesday, and from the magnitude of the opera- tions as well as the extensive fluctuations during, the past month, )it excited,. unusual interest, and its effect is still felt. The lowest prices prevailed on Monday, and Consols touched 871; they have since rallied rather more than 1 per cent, arising from the great scarcity of Stock, which has been occa- sionally 1 higher for immediate delivery than if purchased for the May Ac- count. It has thus been clearly developed that the real sellers have been the speculators for a fall, and that the public retain their holding with con- fidence, and occasionally increase it. The premium offered for loans of Stock has sometimes been freely accepted, and the supply has caused a temporary decline. Yesterday, Consols for Money were done as high as 881, but closed at 871 8. The advicea from Vienna still express doubts of the real inten- tions of the Austrian Government. The securities of that country have been less fluctuating. At St. Petersburg, the Government paper currency continues at about 12 per cent discount, and the mercantile affairs are dis- astrous : the failure in that city of a tallow and oil speculator for about 85,0001. is announced. In Paris, the Funds have been steadily improving ; but yesterday a reaction of more than 4 per cent occurred. The monthly return from the Bank of France shows an increase in the stock of bullion of more than three millions sterling. The rate of exchange is less unfavour- able for this country, bat gold in small sums continues to be drawn from the Bank of England for transmission. The arrival of gold from Australia and New York on Tuesday was valued at 481,2001. ; the whole of which, it is expected, must be remitted to Paris. The shipments of specie to Malta, India, and China, have amounted this week to 198,7001.

Today the Funds are about4 lower ; caused by sales of Money Stock, and an expectation of a large decrease tomorrow in the bullion returns by the Bank. Consols opened at 88, and have since declined to 874 ; closing at 871 4 for Money, and 874 4 for Account ; only 4 difference now exists be- tween present delivery and time bargains. Bank Stock has fallen 6 this week, and India Stock has improved 5. Exchequer Bills have not altered. In Foreign Securities, the transactions have been unimportant : a steadi- ness has been exhibited in most cases, and an improvement has occurred in the following—Austrian, Brazilian, and Belgian, 2; Russian Five per Cents, Chilian, Sardinian, and Spanish Three per Cents, 1; Ditto Deferred and Certificates, and Mexican, 4.

The Railway Market was weak on Monday, and a decline of 58. to 15s. occurred : since Monday, with the exception of today, there has been a gra- dual improvement. Yesterday, Great Western closed at 731 ; and London and North-Western at 96i 7: and the difference in some of the leading lines compared with last Saturday's was to the following extent. Increase —Great Northern, Scottish Central, and South-Eastern, 21. ' • Aberdeen, Ca- ledonian, London and North-Western, Midland, and South Wales, 11. 10s. ,• Lancashire and Yorkshire' 11. 5e. ; Great Western, London, Brighton, and South Coast, and Scottish Midland, W. North British, York, Newcastle, and Berwick, and York and North Midland, 10s. In Foreign Shares there has been very little doing. Northern of France has improved 158. ; Paris and Lyons, and Paris and Strasbourg, 12s. 6d. Today the English lines are from bs. to 15s. lower in several cases. Foreign are likewise depressed.


The English Funds are flat this morning, and have not recovered from a depression that occurred yesterday afternoon after official hours on a notice from the Chancellor of the Exchequer, inviting tenders for 6,000,0001. of Exchequer Bonds, in three series of 2,000,0001. each, to bear 31 per cent in- terest, and redeemable in four, five, and six years. On the appearance of this proposal, Consols touched 87 yesterday, and opened at the same this morning : they are now 874 1 for Money. and 874 4 for Account. Ex- chequer Bills, par to 3 premium. The bullion return by the Bank of England shows the large decrease of 629,7261. Foreign Stocks present no alteration. Railways are dull : these are the present bargains—Caledonian, 624; London and North-Western, 951 ; Midland, 581; South Wales, 35. 8A1171DAY, Two o'CLomt. The English Funds have improved t since the morning : Consols leave off 871 a for Money and 87j 4 for Account. They have been favourably in- fluenced by the intelligence from Vienna of a defeat of the Russians in the Dobrudscha and loss of 3000 men. There is also a feeling that the proposed issue of 6,000,0001. Exchequer Bonds is likely to produce little disturbance in the money-market, from the fact that subscriptions may be made either in Exchequer Bill', or money, to be arranged in one or five payments, which extend to the 17th of October. In Foreign Stocks, the only alteration is in Mexican, which is t lower ; it is now 234 44. Venezuela have been done at

22t. Railways are a little higher : these are the latest transactions—Ambergate, Notts, Boston, and Eastern Junction, 41; Caledonian, 534 ; Eastern Coun- ties, 12/ ; Great Northern, 86; Great Western, 721; Lancashire and York- shire, 601; London and North-Western, 96 ; London and South-Western, 77 ; Manchester, Sheffield, and Lincolnshire, 20 ; Midland, 584 ; South- Eastern, 691; South Wales, 35 ; York and North Midland, 454; London and South-Western, Converted Thirds, 71 ; Midland Consolidated Bristol and Birmingham, 6 per Cent, 129f ; North British, 100; East Indian, 22 ; Ditto Extension. 1/. Joint Stock Banks—Australasian, 721 ; Oriental Bank Corporation, 454. Miscellaneous—Australian Agricultural, 371 ; Crystal Palace, 64 ; Peel River Land and Mineral, 44 ; Royal Mail Steam, 56.

3r Cent Consols

Ditto for Account S per Cent Reduced

31 per Cents

Long Annuities Bank Stock - Exchequer Bills India Stock

Austrian 5 per Cents

Brazilian 5 per Cents Belgian 41 per Cents Chilian 6 per Cents Danish 5 per Cents

87 87

86 87


209 11 par 4 pm.

230 5 77 82 94 6 82 6 99 101 90 5 Danish 3 per Cents Dutch 21 per Cents Ditto 4 per Cents Mexican 3per Cents Peruvian 41 per Cents Ditto 3 per Cents Portuguese 4 per Cents

Russian 5 per Cents

Ditto 41 per Cents Spanish 3 per Cents Ditto Deferred Sardinian 5 per Cents Swedish 4 per Cents

72 5 56 8 84 6 231 41 59 61 42 4 36 8 91 3

79 81 351 61 171 1 78 80 80 5