How Nature Cures. By Emmet Densmore, M.D. (Swan Son- nenschein
and Co.)—Dr. Densmore, if his advice is listened to by mankind, will complete the ruin of the unfortunate farmer. He advises the discontinuance of all cereal food. "Bread is the staff of death," as he epigrammatically puts it. Flesh, fish, milk, and fruits, especially figs, bananas, and nuts, are to be man's diet; tea, coffee, cocoa, wine, and beer are all more or loss poisonous ; alcohol and tobacco are, of course, condemned. If one could only buy up all the figs, bananas, and nuts in the world, and then con- vert the whole human race to Dr. Densmore's theory, what a fortune would be the result ! Does he seriously believe that nuts and figs enough could be grown for, say London? Fruits, as a rule, are a most precarious crop, while the cereals are happily the most hardy. Famines of inconceivable severity would be the result if our thooriet had his way and all the cereals of the world disappeared.